Status: Hihi, comment :D

Picture To Burn

One - Shot

“Hello? “ a sweet voice answered. What? I thought it was his phone ,why the hell did a girl answered his phone?! Unless…
“ Uhm, is this Marc’s phone?” I asked the girl. “Who’s this?”
“ Amelya, Marc’s girlfriend-” The girl said before she got cut by the devil himself.
“ Who’s that, babe? “ he asked his girlfriend.
“ I’m not sure, here talk to her.” She passed the phone to Marcus.
“ Hello?” he said.
“ Hi Marcus. Remember Alice? “ I said innocently.
“ Err, hi Alice. Amelya was not- I- err – she’s my Sister!- YEAH MY SISTER! “ He stuttered .
I’ve known Marcus for years, He is a terrible liar.
“ Tell Amelya, she’s gonna be heartbroken soon cause her boyfriend can’t make up his mind. “ I said.
“ And for the devil himself , if you haven’t noticed .WE’RE DONE.”
I clicked END CALL before he could protest anymore lies.

After that call, I didn’t feel like crying. I felt free.
I went through my albums , collected all pictures of him. All the happy days we had together.
Took the lighter and went to the backyard.
=Marcus P.O.V.=
I tried to forget about that unexpected call from Alice. Not only that, Amelya dump me after she heard my conversation with Alice.
When I arrived to my apartment, The place was wrecked. My eye caught a half burned picture of me and Alice, with a red marker writing on it.

It’s all lies, hunny. Because your just another picture to burn,
Xoxo, Alice.