Taste of Sin


We pulled into the parking lot of a rather large looking establishment. Fangtasia.
I looked at bit and rose a brow, “Pun intended?”
He smiled and shared gave Sookie and amused look. “Yes, it was,” he laughed as we got out of the car.
As I stood up Bill looked me up and down before looking back to Sookie. “You know, she is dressed very similar to how you were the first time I brought you here? Don’t take your eye off her..” he said before heading into the bar before us.
“What did he mean by that?” I asked as I followed Sookie through the door a moment later.
“He means you look… um…” she searched for a word.
I, on the other hand, began to laugh. “I look delicious?” I offered, finishing for her. “As in, literally?”
“Yes,” she smirked. “We really shouldn’t be taking that lightly though, not everyone in here is friendly,” she cautioned.
We were in the bar now and I discreetly looked around. The bar looked about five minutes away from breaking into an orgy. The attendees looked like your stereotypical gothic vampires and humans with a few more refined and elegant occupants. I had to choke back a laugh as I noticed a merchandise stand beside the door. “Jesus, Sook, it’s like a highway attraction in here.”
Who on earth is she? I heard a male’s voice ask with interest. His voice held no southern accent. It was almost a generic American accent with a hint of something else… perhaps Swedish or Norwegian but the tone was very faint, almost not even there; if I didn’t have my mother’s slight Scandinavian twang, I probably wouldn’t notice it at all. Nonetheless it was a voice that could charm, or downright mesmerize a girl.
I looked around the room before meeting eyes with the man Bill was talking to across the room. He was tall and thin with muscle tone that made my stomach drop to look at. Blue eyes were obstructed slightly by ear length blond hair and his face held just the slightest bit of scruff. I didn’t know who he was, but I was certain Bill didn’t care for him—which definitely meant something, seeing as Bill seemed less than judgmental. But, man, was the boy delicious.
Oh for fucks sake Bill, shut up already. Do I even look like I’m remotely listening to you? Maybe if you’d been kind enough to bring her over here… he thought to himself ‘speaking’ of me, again. Perhaps I would have an easier time trying to pretend like I care about what you have to say…
I couldn’t help it… I laughed.
Did she…? Impossible. Even the best of telepaths cannot hear a vampire, he thought.
I froze now and looked at Sookie. “Who is Bill talking to?” I asked.
“Eric, he’s the vampire sheriff of Area 5,” Sookie explained. “He’s also a mean-spirited, selfish, arrogant jerk.”
“He’s human?” I asked, praying her answer was that he was indeed mortal. Last thing I needed was to be more of a freak than I already was.
“Vampire,” she said simply. “Why?”
Oh, what I wouldn’t do to that---
I locked eyes with him and glared, daring him to finish that thought.
So… you can hear my thoughts little telepath?
“Oh yes,” I said with a nod and continuing to glare.
“My stars…” Sookie looked at me with amazement. “You can hear him?” she whisper-yelled.
“Yes and he is indeed arrogant,” I said with a nod. Even though he is completely gorgeous… Like, make me melt delicious! I said the last part to her in silence. Eric seemed arrogant enough without actually hearing my compliment.
“Ew,” Sookie gave a bit of a shudder. “I can’t say I share your opinion,” she said seriously. “That’s beside the point though… Why didn’t you tell me you can hear vampires?” she asked in the lowest whisper I’ve ever heard.
“Because I can’t,” I blinked. “He’s the only vampire whose thoughts I’ve ever heard…” I paused for a moment and looked around me, trying to pick up on thoughts before shrugging. “I can’t hear anyone, not even Bill’s…”
But you can hear me..?
“Yes, we have established that!” I said aggravated.
“What?” Sookie question my outburst and looked at me with confusion.
I groaned, “Sorry, that wasn’t directed at you, Sookie.”
“I don’t think he listened to a word I said,” Bill came over looking frustrated.
That’s because I didn’t listen to a word you said… I rarely do.
I giggled for a moment before catching myself and pretending to cough.
I saw Eric smile out of the corner of my eye. You have a lovely laugh and a beautiful smile if I may say so…
I wanted to say, ‘You may not’. But Bill was already looking at me with a perplexed expression. “I, um, wasn’t laughing at you… sorry,” I apologized for my rude snickering.
“Did I miss something?” Bill asked, still trying to figure out what was going on as Sookie seemed to study me.
Face it, you’re just as intrigued by me as I am by you… Why can you hear me?
I discreetly gave a shrug, trying to pass it off as a reaction to Bill’s question.
“No, sorry, I told her a joke just before you walked over,” Sook covered.
So this is new for you too, then?
I nodded to Eric while making it look like an agreement with Sookie. “Yeah, a joke,” I said distracted.
“Sook, maybe we should get going. She looks like she could use some air,” Bill said thoughtfully.
“Hello,” I nearly jumped, hearing the voice out loud and right beside me. My god, these vampires were quick…
Bill used to sneak up on me all the time, Sookie silently spoke with a smile.
I turned to come face to face with Eric. He was much taller, much more alluring then he had looked from the other side of the room. He even smelled good… the things I would—
Please…just don’t… finish that, I ‘heard’ Sookie, which caused me to blush and laugh once.
I turned, trying to look as nonchalant as possible. You know, like completely delicious and seductively dangerous dead guys put the moves on me all the time.
Really, I’m begging you… came her ‘voice’ again.
“Get out of my head then,” I shrugged before looking back at Eric. “Hi,” I said simply, casually.
“I try to meet every new face that comes into my bar,” he spoke in silky seduction, “especially when that new face is as pretty as yours…” He smiled arrogantly, which was not so much of an attractive quality as it was nauseating. “I’m Eric Northman,” he introduced himself, extending his hand.
“Sinikka Stackhouse, Sookie’s cousin. Friends call me Sin,” I replied politely.
“Pleasure to meet you, Sin,” he gave a flawless smile before kissing the top of my hand.
Hmmm… Taste of Sin… the thought was deliberate and teasing.
I smiled again. “Mr. Northman, I believe I said friends call me Sin. You can call me Sinikka,” I said with a mocking wink that put a grin instantly on Bill’s face.
“Look at that, Sook, she can hold her own,” Bill grinned.
Don’t pretend… he thought while smiling seductively, I can smell the desire on your skin. You’re just as curious of me, just as hypnotized by me as I am by you.
“So what if I am?” I asked sternly with my arms crossed.
I didn’t say that out loud…Eric thought before chuckling.
“Sook, what is going on?” Bill demanded, realizing that something weird was going on.
“Our new friend, Sin, here can read my thoughts,” Eric said softly to Bill.
“Sinikka?” Bill questioned curiously.
“If you’d like a further explanation than what he just said, I’ve got nothing,” I shrugged looking at Bill. “I’m just as surprised as you right now…”
Ditch them and come with me… Do you know what I could do to you? he asked as images flashed through his mind, none of them appropriate in the least.
I spun around with a speed comparable to their own inhuman speed and slapped Eric across the face. “If you’d like to speak to me, you will use some goddamned respect,” I growled.
He smirked down at me. His expression was a bit shocked but more so amused, which annoyed me even further. “I sincerely apologize,” he said earnestly before looking at Bill with a grin. “I like her.”
Anyone that has the nerve to hit me has my respect, he said with a bow of his head.
I was startled by the unexpected and lightning fast grasp of my wrist by Bill as he moved in from of me. “Eric, you will stay away from her,” he declared.
“Now, now,” Eric smirked, unaffected by Bill’s order, “that’s not really your decision. Luckily that’s up to Miss Sin.”
Bill’s hold on me tightened slightly and I gasped a bit. It didn’t hurt, just stunned me and I pulled backward and out of his grasp. “Jesus Christ,” I growled. “You two are acting like children. Bill, really, it’s not as if I’m about to walk off with him. You did just watch me slap him right? And you,” I said glaring at Eric, “if you would like me to decide something other than you’re an arrogant prick, then you better stop acting like one. I’m staying with my cousin, who is dating Bill which makes him equally responsible for my well being. Instead of challenging him in a battle of testosterone, which simply makes you look like a douche bag, try speaking respectfully to him… perhaps thanking him for making sure I’m not the next person around here who’ll be disappearing,” I growled.
Both of them stared at me and Sookie gave me an approving nod. Apparently no one has told either of them off that often, because they looked completely stunned and blindsided.
“Sorry,” Bill blinked.
“Sorry,” Eric muttered softly. I don’t think I’ve ever apologized to anyone… he thought privately in disbelief. Suddenly his eyes lit up as he smiled, “Is that what you were talking to me about? The disappearances.”
“Jesus Eric!” Bill exclaimed irritably. “Do you ever listen to anyone?”
“Usually, no,” he smiled. “But I’m listening to her tonight,” he said, gesturing to me with a nod of his head, “God only knows why.”
Bill shook his head and let out an exasperated sigh, “Yes. That was what I was asking you. Do you have any information on who is abducting people, and quite possibly killing them?”
“I have a theory,” he said honestly.
“Which would be?” I asked curiously.
“I think it’s a doppelganger …” Eric said with a shrug. “In fact, I’m sure of it.”
“What makes you think it’s a doppelganger?” Bill asked, not entirely convinced.
Idiot, the thought was more of a sigh. “Because, William,” he started in a patronizing tone, “a search of all the missing persons’ homes showed no forced entry and no sign of a struggle indicating they knew their attacker… None of the victims have any connection to the other, so unless there’s a spontaneous ‘kill my neighbor’ spree going on, it’s a doppelganger.”
“What do they do?” I asked, completely engulfed in the subject.
“Doppelgangers are curious creatures. They’re kind of like a shape shifter, but more sinister. They feed off of pain and suffering,” Eric explained. “They usually torture their victim slowly, killing them in the end.” I felt myself squirm uncomfortably. “I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he said apologetically to me.
You don’t have to worry, I’ll keep an eye on you, he thought in a soothing and surprisingly sincere way. There’s something very different about you, Sinikka.
“I can’t believe I never considered that…” Bill said in thought. “It’s been moving closer to Bon Temps.”
“Then I will keep watch,” Eric promised.
“I can handle my family,” Bill said coldly.
“Just like you---” he stopped mid-sentence, catching my eye. “What I meant to say is, I know you can handle and protect your humans,” he began again. “Nonetheless, what could it hurt to have an extra pair of eyes? Considering I’m among the older of the vampires, doesn’t it make sense to accept my help? I wouldn’t extend this offer to just anyone, Bill.”
“We would love your help, thank you Eric,” Sookie accepted the offer before anyone could react, stunning us all.
“We would?” Bill rose a brow.
“Face it, you have a hard enough time keeping just me out of danger. Now there’s another me to worry about,” she said comically.
“We would,” he nodded. “Thank you Eric. But I swear if I even think I have reason to worry about you, I will rip you to pieces.”
“Promise?” he asked sarcastically.
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