Taste of Sin


The ride back to Bon Temps was long and full of questions that I simply couldn’t answer. I couldn’t explain or even fathom why I could, for some reason, hear vampire Eric’s thoughts.
Surprisingly, Bill had allowed Eric to ride with us, though the act had been reluctant at best. Eric sat beside me and struck up a quiet conversation. It was, shockingly, appropriate and even though it was clear Bill didn’t enjoy my talking to Eric, with no one being offended he kept his thoughts of his sheriff to himself.
We pulled in front of a secluded large white house which I assumed, correctly, was Sookie’s.
Of course, everything in this town seemed pretty secluded. I definitely wasn’t in Boston anymore.
“Are you staying?” Sookie asked as Bill parked the car and turned the ignition off.
“If you’ll have me,” Bill said with a light smile on his face.
Touching… Eric thought with a bit of disgust.
“Of course,” she smiled before looking at me. “The house has been made sun safe. All four bedrooms have automated light blocking shutters in case Bill stays over,” she explained. “Even though I told Bill not to spend the money,” she said the last part playfully.
“Well, if you still plan on marrying me it’s pretty much a necessity until you agree to move to the Compton plantation,” he pointed out.
“You two are engaged?” I asked, raising a brow.
Sookie nodded and smiled, “Yes.”
“I never even considered the possibility,” I said honestly and a bit embarrassed.
“I didn’t either,” Sookie said honestly, “and I was a bit taken off guard when he asked. Took me a few moments to gather myself and realize that, really, there was no other option for me,” she said the last bit with a bright smile before kissing Bill’s cheek. “Now, the sun is going to be up in an hour or two, let’s all go get some rest?”
“I’m not really tired,” I said honestly as we got out of the car. “Would it be alright to sit on the porch for a bit?”
“Of course,” Sookie smiled while giving me a hug.
“I’m not sure that’s such a good idea,” Bill interjected, while grabbing my suitcase, ready to bring it up for me.
“I’ll stay out with her for an hour or so,” Eric offered, “and keep an eye out.”
“I like that idea even less,” Bill said flatly.
Sookie whispered something in Bill’s ear and he gave a defeated sigh. “Fine, Eric, take care of her… and if one hair on her head is touched--”
“I know, I know, rip me to pieces… I get it,” he said looking annoyed.
Bill glared at Eric before smiling at me, “Goodnight Sinikka.”
“Goodnight Bill, ‘night Sookie,” I smiled before sitting on the stairs.
“Your room is on the second floor,” Sookie said to me at the door. “Second room on the left. Eric, you can stay in the guest room on the third floor.”
“Thank you,” he said softly before she disappeared, saying something in response to Bill’s undecipherable mutter. “He hates that I’m here.”
“Maybe that’s because you tricked his girlfriend into forming a blood bond with you?” I said casually with a shrug.
Shit. “You know about that, huh?” he said awkwardly.
“Sookie seems to have enough faith in me to make my own choices, but she made sure I had all the information to do so…” I replied.
“Well, it’s not secret that Bill and I have never really gotten along… I suppose on a foolish whim I wanted to prove to him that Sookie was not untouchable. It was a game really, and you can check up on that,” he said, speaking of my telepathy. “It’s not like I can really lie to you, can I?”
I shrugged, “I believe you. But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t just plain supercilious or make it any less malicious, trying to mess with two people.” I paused for a moment, “You’re just so lonely in your chosen fate that you can’t stand to see someone like Bill happy, and with a human of all things.”
“I, ma’am, am the furthest man from lonely that you’ll ever meet,” he said in a haughty tone.
“Oh for the love of—Eric, I wasn’t referring to sex. If I had the ability to glamour someone, I bet I could surround myself with willing admirers as well… I mean that, though you can’t admit it, you want exactly what Sookie and Bill have. You want that connection, that passion and that complete devotion between you and another,” I explained, not that I really needed to explain much. It was my speech, but it was his thoughts, he just couldn’t even admit it to himself-- let alone someone else. “You’re more like a human than you’ll ever admit, bloodsucker,” I said the last part in a teasing tone.
“I’m perfectly content seducing a different person every night,” he shrugged, adopting a completely unaffected demeanor.
“Keep saying it and maybe, just maybe, I’ll believe you,” I said raising a brow at him. “You do realize I’m inside your head, right Eric?”
He stared at me for a long moment and I could see a bit of the cocky, egotistical façade of his chip away.
I definitely couldn’t say that being a telepath wasn’t good for something; it made seeing people for who they were and forming bonds a bit easier sometimes. Other times, such as when there’s little good in people, it made it harder.
“Maybe you’re right,” he said at last, after studying me for a long moment.
“Maybe? Eric, maybe you don’t know it yet, but I am right. Not maybe,” I corrected, offering a small smile.
There was a brief silence between us, however the lack of words was not uncomfortable or awkward.
He was the one to break the stillness between us. “Why aren’t you afraid of me?” he asked suddenly.
“Why would I be?” I asked softly. “If you were going to hurt me, I’d likely know it before you did,” I shrugged, “and I could scream for Bill to tear your head off.”
He laughed a bit at my half-joking statement. “I’m stronger than Bill, Sinikka,” he smirked, “yelling for him would do nothing.”
My eyes widened, but it wasn’t at his idle threat. More so at the epiphany I saw and, though it helped, I wouldn’t have needed my affinity to realize it. “Oh my…” I started before smirking.
“What?” he asked, cocking a brow.
“You’re trying to frighten me,” I responded.
“Obviously,” he shrugged. “What’s so enlightening about that?”
I readjusted the skirt of my dress so I could comfortably pull my knees up without exposing anything, and rested my chin upon them. “I was wrong before, you’re not looking for your own ‘Sookie’…”
“See,” he smiled victoriously, “I told you I’m shallow.”
“You think I’m your ‘Sookie’, and it scares the hell out of you… You’re trying to scare me off before you lose you’re horrible reputation,” I grinned.
“I’m not looking for my ‘Sookie’,” he said defensively, using his fingers to make quotations. “I’m perfectly content being an asshole and sleeping around, thank you very much,” he said simply.
“Then tell me, Eric, why do you insist on keeping me safe?” I retorted, staring him directly in the eyes. “Seems very Bill and Sookie to me,” I added.
“Because, if I save you then you’ll owe me… and I could find use for your gift,” he shrugged. “It’s not like Bill will let me borrow Sookie, not after last time.”
“You’re a liar, and a coward Eric,” I said flatly before getting up and heading for the door.
His hand grabbed my wrist gently to stop me in my tracks, “Don’t…”
“Don’t go, not yet,” he said softly, his eyes pleading with me to stay.
“Why not?” I asked casually.
He pulled me down so I fell into his lap gently before pressing his lips to mine in a soft, sweet and fleeting kiss. “Because, you’re right... I’m a liar and you scare the hell out of me.”
“And?” I questioned with a bit of a smile now.
He sighed before muttering something under his breath. “And I am jealous of what Bill and Sookie have and I do think you may be my ‘Sookie’,” he said in a defeated tone.
“You’re much more enjoyable when you’re not trying to intimidate and get a rise out of everyone,” I said softly with a smile.
“Yes, well, I prefer being obnoxious,” he frowned.
“Well, if you’re really interested in me,” I started slowly, choosing my words, “then you’re going to have to make the effort to be an amicable gentleman…at least when you’re around me…”
“I’m not sure I know how to do that,” he said honestly.
“Then learn, because if you intend to be the ‘Eric’ everyone has unconsciously told me about, the Eric I’ve seen through other people’s eyes then I will personally withdraw your invitation in this house and you can walk right back to Shreveport and stuff it,” I said seriously. “I’ve slapped you once, and I will again if I have to.”
“Is that a promise?” he grinned.
I narrowed my eyes, “You know, I have plenty of silver jewelry in my suitcase.”
“I’m sorry… And that’s twice in one night, and twice in almost a thousand years that I’ve said that,” he added the last part matter-of-factly .
“Well, that’s an improvement…” I shrugged before roughing his hair. “I’m going to bed for real now,” I said getting up.
He nodded, “Goodnight then…”
I smiled a bit, which caused the edges of his mouth to turn upwards slightly, “Goodnight Eric.”
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Sorry it was late... I'll give you the next chapter too. Please comment with feedback. ;)