Taste of Sin


The first morning in a new place is usually confusing. You wake up and don’t realize where you are at first; you wake up expecting that you’re in your own home.
However, when I woke up to something that smelled incredible, I knew right then where I was and knew it wasn’t back home in Boston.
My father never cooked.
Yawning a bit, I got up and walked over to my suitcase before discovering it was empty. Bill or Sookie must have unpacked my things for me last night.
Glancing out of the window, I realized you could see part of the porch from here…
So, it must have been Bill that unpacked.
Smirking to myself I shook my head and walked over to the dresser, finding my clothes in there.
I chose a pair of gray skinny jeans and paired it with a white t-shirt and a dark gray vest. I then ran a brush through my long red hair, turning my head slightly as I tried to picture some streaks of black and purple in it. After all, it was time for change.
Shrugging I lined my eyes with some brown eyeliner and rolled on some mascara before grabbing a scarf and heading out of my room.
The sun was almost fully set and I found myself staring at the ceiling about me as I headed for the staircase. I couldn’t help wondering if Eric was still sleeping, or if he was awake and waiting for the sun to fully set. I also couldn’t help thinking about how he would look right now… or how he had looked last night when we kissed.
Smiling, I practically skipped down the stairs, following the delicious smell. I found Sookie in the kitchen, wearing a white t-shirt and pair of black shorts. “Good, you’re up,” she smiled, spotting me as I came through the doorway. “I made you some breakfast, even though it’s seven at night. I figured I’d break out some of Gram’s recipes for you. I made some biscuits with gravy, some waffles and eggs and bacon.”
“Jeez, how hungry do I look?” I teased before smiling. “Thank you.”
“No problem, and I didn’t expect you to eat all of it, but I didn’t know what you liked to eat. I have to head to work, I’m working at Merlotte’s Bill will bring you by later if you want and they both should be up soon. I have to run though, let me just finish these dishes…”
“Sook, I can finish them,” I smiled. “I’m more than capable of dish washing; I’ve done the cooking and cleaning for my father for ten years. Go to work before you’re late.”
“Thanks, Sin. Will I see you later at Merlotte’s then?” She asked with a smile. “Eric is welcome to come in as well,” she said the last part a bit deviously.
“How did you..?”
She shrugged and smiled. “I helped Bill unpack your things… and you haven’t stopped thinking about it since last night.”
I laughed and shook my head. “Sure, as long as there’s a pool table there I’ll have fun,” I smiled. “We’ll talk more about Eric later?” I offered.
“Of course, I want every detail so I can assure Bill you can take care of yourself,” she said grabbing a set of keys before hugging me. “Later Sinikka.”
“Bye Sook,” I smiled while putting some waffles and bacon on a plate. As she disappeared I walked to the fridge and found some maple syrup.
By the time I’d finished my breakfast and finished the dishes, I could hear people shuffling around as well as low voices coming from upstairs.
Sometimes, you just don’t need mind reading to know what’s going on around you.
“Would you two quit arguing and get down here?” I yelled up the stairs. “Sookie went to work. It’s just us three and I don’t intend to hang downstairs twiddling my thumbs while you two fight over useless crap!”
Bill was in the doorway when I turned around, causing me to drop the lemonade cup I had just finished washing. “Shit!” I yelled, startled by him.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly, picking up the cup. “I didn’t mean to scare you. Did you sleep alright?”
“Yeah I slept fine, thanks for unpacking for me.”
“Thanks,” I said before Eric had even come around the corner. “You know, Bill, it’s too bad I can’t hear you… you wouldn’t have scared the hell out of me if I could,” I joked.
He smiled uncomfortably. “I wish you wouldn’t be so at ease with Eric,” Bill started, much to Eric’s annoyance. I blocked his thoughts out to focus on Bill. “However, it’s not my place. Just be careful.”
“She can’t be anything but careful with me Bill… She can hear anything I think…” Eric pointed out in an irritated growl.
“Yes,” Bill started in a dangerous tone, “but she can’t fight you off if she realizes too late that your intentions are ill.”
“My intentions are fine,” he retorted in the same dark and angered tone.
“That remains to be---”
“Stop!” I yelled glaring at them. “Jesus, I’m right here, don’t talk about me like I’m not. For two men who’ve lived as long as you, you sure act like children!” I gave them a final icy look before pushing between them and heading for the door.
I pushed out onto the porch letting the cool sooth my hot temper as I began walking out into the field between Sookie’s and my house and the Compton Plantation.
I hated the way the two of them fought, and liked even less that they were fighting over a decision that was entirely mine. A decision that I hadn’t officially made yet. Sure, Eric was handsome and compelling, seductive and desirable, but that’s not enough to make a girl throw herself at a guy’s feet.
The further I walked, the better I felt. My temper cooled like the night air around me and I smiled as I tilted my head to the night sky. In Boston the smog and city lights obscured the view of the stars, in Bon Temps the sky was lit by millions of sparkling lights. It was beautiful and I felt myself sigh.
I felt someone grab my wrist softly and I turned around, “Eric, I---”
Something pierced my stomach and white-hot pain surged through me; the weapon must have been one of its talons. I couldn’t even scream, the pain was so excruciating, burning as it spread.
The creature had leathery, olive colored skin and reptilian features. The eyes were black and the spine held a row of spikes, the skull held horns. The beast tilted its head as if observing me with a curious eye, it’s onyx optics appearing to glow as the pain spread. It looked like every nightmarish imagine one could ever conjure of a demon.
I fell backward on the ground, holding my stomach. Warm, sticky liquid greeted my hand before the creature struck again, sinking multiple razor like claws into my abdomen and I screamed louder than I would’ve thought possible as I writhed in the field.
I tried to scream again, but choked for a moment before my throat would allow the wet coughing up of blood.
“Eric…” I tried to scream but my voice was too quiet; it sounded so far away to me, so foreign.
“Sin!” I heard someone yell as he held me to him.
That thing must have ran off when he sprinted across the field to me. I hadn’t noticed it leave.
I tried to focus on Eric, but it was like I was seeing every thing through someone else’s eyes. I couldn’t breath and I could fell the blood in my lungs. My expression must have been one of pure panic because Eric suddenly looked a bit alarmed.
“Sinikka, stay with me… You’re going to be okay…” he said softly, looking around for my attacker. His eyes then darted toward the house. She will not die, he thought with angry determination while trying to wait for Bill to get there before he acted, where the fuck is he!? Bill appeared beside him no sooner than had I heard his thoughts.
Bill looked from me to Eric. “Go ahead, Eric…” he said reluctantly through grit teeth, clearly understanding some unspoken plan Eric had. “I’ll check the area…”
Bill disappeared as I let out another blood-filled retching cough.
Eric bared his fangs the instant blood poured from my lungs. “Do you trust me enough to help you?” he asked softly in a soothing and calm tone that was reassuring in the situation.
“Yes,” I said in a voice so soft that I was suddenly grateful that he was a vampire with enhances senses. “Now isn’t the time to not trust you,” I said with a sarcastic and faint tone.
No sooner had my lips weakly moved did Eric sink his teeth into his wrist. He propped me up and held the bleeding wound on his arm. “You need to drink my blood, it’s going to heal you. It’s going to save you,” he said in a shaky, pleading tone.
I nodded weakly as he held the wound to my lips.
The liquid exploded inside me. I could feel his blood pumping inside me as I drank with greed. The taste was sweet and I was astonished to realize my lungs began to feel clear. The pain in my abdomen subsided as I fell backward from his wrist and further into his arms.
“Sin…” he said my in a soft, comforting tone.
As a warm feeling came over me and his blood began to heal me, the realization of what had actually just happened to me set in. I felt my body begin to shake as I let out a sob.
“It’s okay,” he soothed, holding me closer. “It’s alright, you’re safe now…”
I clung to him like a frightened child. “Eric,” I choked out in between the tears, “w-what the hell was that…”
“I’m pretty sure it was a doppelganger,” he said softly, stroking my hair.
“I-is it g-gone?” I asked shakily as his hand moved to wipe my eyes.
He nodded. “It’ll have a damned hard time getting near you again,” he whispered softly, his voice holding a subtle dangerous tone. “You’re safe.”
I moved closer to him, my head on his chest as I let myself calm down for a few minutes. “Thank you,” I said at last as my breathing regulated itself.
He smiled a bit, “For what? You know I couldn’t just let you die…”
“What… what will your blood do to me?” I asked suddenly. “Besides heal…”
“Well, it’s going to heighten your senses temporarily. It also connects me to you,” he added before pondering that for a moment. “I’ll… I’ll always know what you’re feeling. If you’re in trouble, I’ll know and I can get to you before someone hurts you. You’re sex drive is also going to be a bit stronger.”
“Oh, so that’s why you saved me,” I joked lightly.
“Glad to see you’re feeling better,” he responded, rolling his eyes before giving the most genuine and beautiful smile. Thank goodness…
I smiled and leaned up to kiss him softly, letting our lips linger for a moment. “You’re not as horrible as you try to seem…” I smiled.
“So you’ve told me,” he smiled a bit, “though I’m hesitant to believe it.”
“I couldn’t find it,” Bill said, cursing lightly before crouching beside us and smiling at me. “I’m glad to see you’re still with us, Sinikka. You scared the hell out of me.”
“I had to get you back for sneaking up on me earlier, didn’t I?” I joked softly. My head felt light, and I felt tired all of a sudden.
“I suppose you did,” he smiled with a nod.
“Why would you let Eric heal me?” I asked suddenly, thinking of the reluctance in Bill’s tone earlier when he’d told Eric to do it.
“It’s not my place and his blood is much older and stronger than mine. You were losing blood quickly and I knew his blood would work faster,” he explained, but I sensed there was something else.
Eric stood up, still cradling me. “She needs to rest,” he said authoritatively. Bill gave an agreeing nod and we walked towards the house. “Go tell Sookie what happened, Bill. Explain that everything is alright,” he ordered in a polite tone. “And don’t worry,” he began before Bill could say anything, “I just saved her life, so clearly I’m not going to kill her.”
“I’ll be back quickly,” he promised before disappearing.
“I don’t want to be alone,” I said, feeling foolish as I said it.
He pulled me even closer to him, “I wasn’t planning on leaving you alone, honning.”
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Aw, there's nothing like being attacked to bring two people closer.

If you didn't gather, honning is a nordic term of endearment for 'hunny'. Since Eric was previous a viking it fits. ;)
