Taste of Sin


“So you’re almost a thousand years old?” I said in astonishment as we lay facing each other on my bed. Eric’s head was propped up on his right hand while his left was wrapped around mine.
He nodded and smiled, before speaking in a tone much different from the one he used in the bar. This one was soft and sweet, “Turned in 1046.”
“Wow,” I blinked, contemplating that. “It must be amazing to see that much of the world,” I smiled.
“It has its moments,” he shrugged. “The world still has its issues, however, it is still much better off than it’s been in the past.”
“That’s a scary thought,” I joked. “Well, at least I can never complain about feeling old,” I smirked.
He narrowed his eyes playfully. “At least I look good for my age,” he smiled with a bit of a wink.
“Are you implying that I don’t?” I asked with mock offense.
“Not at all, you’re beautiful,” he said kissing my forehead. “And I’m glad I was here tonight,” he added, glancing at my stomach. “I would’ve been a far more callous man tomorrow had anything happened to you…”
I smiled knowing that he meant that fully, which made me even more comfortable with him. “I’m glad you were here as well. I thought for sure I was going to die in that field…” I said honestly.
“I wouldn’t have let that happen,” he smiled. And if she were to say the word, I would make sure it would never happen.
“I’m not sure I could do it,” I said honestly and a look of confusion spread on his face.
Then came the realization and a subtle look of embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have---”
“Don’t,” I smiled before continuing in a half joking tone, “in a creepy way it was sweet.” I paused for a moment before shrugging. “I mean, I’m not a psychic, I don’t know what we have here or where it will go. I feel like a decision on immortality will have to rest upon a lot of thought,” I explained. “And, I mean… who knows, by tomorrow, I may want nothing more than to kill you,” I teased.
“Well, we can’t have that,” he smirked, staring into my eyes. I continued to smile as I snuggled closer to him, his arms instantly surrounding me. “So, why did you move, Sin?” he asked cautiously. “Were you and Sookie close?”
“No, not really,” I shrugged. “I mean, I’ve met her when I was very little, but I don’t remember. I’d heard my father talking about her but yesterday was our first real meeting, and I only found out she was a telepath just before I left. It’s nice to stay with someone who understands me though,” I shrugged.
“So, you just decided to move on a whim?” he asked curiously.
“No…” I paused for a moment, not sure if I wanted to say more. But as he looked at me, waiting for me to continue I realized he was being honest for what may have been the first time in his life, it was only fair to do the same. “My mother died when I was seven,” I started, thinking back on memories I’d tried hard to forget over the years. “We lived in… I think believe it was Texas at the time. Somehow, word got out that I was a telepath and it got around to a group of vampires that resided in the immediate area. One of them came for me one night and my mother died trying to keep him from taking me. A vampire sheriff showed up moments after she was dead, just as the man was trying to literally drag me--- kicking and screaming for my mom--- out of my house.” I thought back for a moment on the one that saved me, he had a soft and soothing tone and more empathy than I’ve ever seen in any human. He looked so young, like he was only a boy, with playful brown hair and compassionate gray eyes, like the sea before a storm. “He called the police and made sure I would be okay, but had to slip out before them for obvious reasons… Godric… that was his name,” I said, off in thought.
“Godric?” the name rolled familiarly off of Eric’s tongue. I felt a sting of slight pain flicker between us. “I knew him well..”
He had killed himself, recently, I gathered from the thoughts racing through Eric’s mind.
“He was my maker,” he added suddenly.
“He saved my life,” I said softly and smiled at Eric.
“Yes, it would seem he was good at that…”
“You may feel differently about him ending his life when you’ve lived for another thousand years,” I pointed out softly.
“So, what happened after you mother died?” Eric asked, changing the subject.
I sighed, “My father never understood or wanted to understand my ability and he was very much in love with my mother. He didn’t want me around, couldn’t ever look me in the eye. He blamed me for her death. If she hadn’t loved me so much in life, he would’ve been rid of me a long time ago… But he managed to pass me off to a stranger the first moment he got,” I said, looking away for a moment, part of me still wishing I could tear the man to shreds.
Eric’s hand touched my chin, turning my gaze back to him. “And here you are,” he finished, kissing me sweetly. “In a place where one second you’re almost killed by a demon, and the next you’re being brought back to life by a man that doesn’t even breathe.”
I laughed for a moment and he smiled in response to me, the gesture causing his eyes to light up; I couldn’t resist kissing him again.
He hugged me securely to him and smiled contently, “You’re going to completely destroy my image…”
“What image is that? Apathetic, loveless and sinister?” I grinned as he kissed my neck.
“You forgot emotionless,” he whispered on my skin, sending chills down my spine, “and my disregard for humans.” He kissed and bit at my neck softly, though careful not to break the skin.
I smiled, running a hand through his hair and pulling his head back turning the tables on him. “Disregard?” I asked before playfully biting his neck. My hand wandered across his chest, familiarizing itself with the muscle beneath his tank.
Fangs bared the instant I touched him and he grinned deviously at me. “Does that answer your question?” he grinned, holding me in place on his chest. “You have me under your spell,” he whispered into my ear, before kissing me again.
“Is that permitted? I mean, after all you are the sheriff and I am a human,” I half-teased, but was also half seriously in my curiosity.
He smiled, “I’m the sheriff, honning, I make the rules…” He paused for a moment and grinned, “Even if it wasn’t permitted, I’d make sure I found a way around it.” I smiled, still on top of him, and rested my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me once more and rested his chin on top of my head. “You were supposed to be sleeping, do you realize that? Sookie is going to be pissed if she thinks I’m keeping you up.”
“I’m not tired,” I shrugged. “I can stay up if I want, after all I was almost killed tonight, which entitles me to run the show,” I said matter of factly, only half serious.
“You were almost killed tonight, which is exactly why you should be resting,” Eric retorted.
“Did I just hear you, Eric Northman, put someone’s well being ahead of your own wishes?” I heard Sookie say a moment before she came in.
We shot up like two 16 years old caught in the act by their parents. “Oh my--” Bill started looking completely taken back, “are we sure that is Eric? It could be the changeling…”
“One more word, Bill, and I will take you outside and rip your head off,” Eric said with narrowed eyes. Clearly he was not enjoying his junior poking fun at him.
“Bill,” Sookie said in a soft yet stern voice, communicating her point with a look.
“Sorry, I was only making a joke, Eric. I meant no offense….” He managed to get the words out without vomiting,.
Sookie smiled at Bill before rushing over to the bed and sitting down in front of me. “Are you alright?” she asked with concern.
“I’m fine,” I assured her with a smile.
“Oh, thank god, I thought that thing had stabbed you or something the way Bill made it sound!” she said looking relieved.
“Uh… it---” I looked at Bill, not sure what to say.
“It did,” Bill finished for me. “Eric saved her life,” his tone held that reluctance in it leading me to assume he still wasn’t sure if Eric could be trusted with me.
“Eric…” Sookie paused before looking at the blond Viking beside me, “with blood!?”
I had to,” he said the words slowly and deliberately, looking at her with defense in his eyes.
“I told him too,” Bill explained, looking at Sookie. Her head whipped around so fast I thought it would snap.
“Really?” Sookie said, contemplating that for a moment. She looked back at me and smiled, “Well, I’m just glad you’re okay. I’ll let you get some sleep… Eric, are you staying here?”
“If she wants me to,” he nodded.
“I don’t---”
“You left for almost an hour, Bill, and she’s still breathing, what more proof do you need that I’m not going to hurt her?” he asked, exasperated.
“Rest well, then, Sinikka,” he offered, seeing Eric’s point.
I turned to Eric after they had left, having accidentally heard something in Sookie’s thoughts. “You tricked Sookie into drinking your blood?” I asked, feeling rightfully angry at his leaving that detail out.
He sighed, looking over my ticked off expression. “Let me explain…”