Run Away to Me




I woke up in a soft bed, disoriented. Unless I was having an extremely vivid dream, I hadn’t fallen asleep here. After sitting up slowly, feeling the aches in my body, I realized this wasn’t a dream. I took in the room. It wasn’t a hospital bed, and it looked too home-y to be a hotel room.

I was on edge now. I searched the room with my eyes, spotting my clothes folded neatly on a chair. I looked down quickly to see that I was dressed in girlish, floral pyjamas that were a few sizes too big. I frowned. Someone had undressed me.

I was brought out of my examination by voice floating in from the room door, which was slightly ajar.

“She’s been sleeping...whole days now! We” An older woman’s voice floated in and out of my hearing range. I slid out of the bed, carefully moving to the door. Were they talking about me?

“Mom...I’m sure....fine.” A male voice spoke up. It was vaguely familiar, as if I had heard it before. I opened the door wider, slipping out into the hallway. The voices became clearer.

“Nicholas, what if her parents are looking for her?” the woman voice asked.

“No self-respecting parents would let their daughter sleep outside.” The boy’s voice replied.
I felt a small pang in my chest. He was right, my parents wouldn’t dream of it. But there was nothing they could do now.

I walked out inthe the hallway, quietly making my way down the stairs.

“What if she’s a runaway?” By this time, I was downstairs and could see who was talking. It was a mother and her son. The mom’s face was soft and warm, and her hair fell in loose brown waves around her oval face. Her eyebrows were furrowed together with concern. She was sitting at a table across from her son, who was running his fingers through his dark brown curls. His face was a light tan, and his eyes matched hers, a dark brown that reminded me of melted chocolate.

“No one is looking for me.” I spoke up, moving into the room. I stayed close to the door, shy. They looked up at me and the same time, surprised.

“I’m sorry. I overheard your conversation when I came downstairs.” I added quickly, not wanting them to think I was rude. The mother stood up first, walking towards me.

“I’m sorry dear, did we wake you up?” She asked, her face apologetic. I shook my head quickly, feeling my hair shake around.

“No, no. I was already awake. Thank you for the pyjamas, by the way.” I added, tugging on the edge of the shirt. She smiled, and it lit up her face.

“Of course, sweetheart. I didn’t want you sleeping in those wet clothes, you could’ve gotten sick.” She said, laying a tender hand on my shoulder. I was almost reduced to tears by this small, motherly gesture. It reminded me of what was gone.

“Th-thank you.” I said, blinking quickly to get rid of the tears. I had one more burning question to ask, and I didn’t need tears rolling down my cheeks while I asked it.

“I don’t mean to sound rude, but how did I get here? I remember falling asleep outside, and then...” My voice trailed off, leaving it a question.

“Oh! My son brought you here.” She replied, turning to face him. My eyes followed hers, and he smiled softly, not showing his teeth.

“Oh. Thank you.” I said to him, a little surprised. These people were complete strangers, and they had taken me into their house, given me a place to stay. My own family didn’t believe me when I told them what my stepfather did, and wouldn’t dream of giving me a home. I was touched.

“No problem.” The boy said, standing up.

“Goodness! Where are my manners? You must be wondering who we are. I’m Denise, Denise Jonas, and this is my son, Nicholas.” Denise said, introducing herself.

“Call me Nick.” He said, getting up from the table. He stood in front of me, and held out his hand. He looked to be 18, which made him a year older than I was. I shook his hand gingerly.

“I’m Felicity.” I told them, looking back and forth between mother and son.

“Thank you very much, again.” I added, looking at Nick. I meant it. I was extremely grateful that he hadn’t passed me by; that he had stopped for me. I was forever indebted to him.

“Don’t worry about it. I wasn’t just gonna leave you there.” He said. His voice was quiet, not because he wanted to keep it down, but because that’s the way he was.

“Most people would have, so I appreciate it.” I told him, smiling softly.

“Are you hungry?” Denise asked, moving into the kitchen. I nodded, following her. Nick was behind me, and I made sure not to stop abruptly.

“What are you hungry for?” She turned into the fridge, digging through it.

“If you don’t mind, eggs sound pretty good.” I asked. I felt bad for requesting something, but I had seen them when she opened the fridge and my stomach had grumbled. It had been so long since I had a real meal.

“Of course, Felicity, it’s no bother.” Denise said with a warm smile, pulling the blue Styrofoam egg carton out of the white fridge, placing it on the pink and black granite counter. She moved around the spacious kitchen, grabbing a frying pan out of a black cabinet, and a metal whisk out of a black drawer. She was humming softly to herself as she moved, and I watched with a sense of wistfulness. She was so much like my own mother.

“Morning, everyone.” A male voice came from my left, and I turned, wondering who it was. I had assumed that only Denise and Nick lived here. It appeared I was wrong.

“Morning, Dad.” Nick said, from next to me. Oh, so this was his dad, which made the new stranger Denise’s husband.

“Morning, Paul.” Denise said with a smile, moving to peck his lips swiftly before moving back to the eggs.

“Morning to you too, young lady. It’s good to see you awake. We were all worried about you.” He said, turning his smile towards me. I couldn’t help but smile back. It was easy to see where Nick got his kindness from.

“Thank you.” I said quietly. “I’m Felicity,” I added, remembering that he didn’t know my name. His smiled grew wider.

“Ah, our sleeping beauty gets a name.” He said with a small chuckle. I felt my cheeks turn a light pink, and I giggled quietly. I knew he wasn’t right; my face had to be a wreck.

“I’m Paul, Nicholas’s father.” He said, extending a hand for me. I smiled, shaking it.

"It’s nice to meet you.” I said quietly.

“Nicholas, why don’t you show Felicity where she can freshen up? Your eggs will be ready when you come down.” Denise said, first to Nick and then to me. Nick nodded.

“’Kay. Come on Felicity, follow me.” He said, moving past me. I nodded, following him out of the kitchen. He led me up the stairs, back into the room I had woken up in.

“You can get your clothes.” He said, motioning to them. I grabbed them off the chair, and turned back to look up at him. He gave me a small smile, and began walking again. I followed him to the bathroom.

“You can freshen up in here.” Nick said, motioning inside. I smiled.

“Thanks, Nick.” I said, and then paused before continuing. “How many days was I asleep?”

“Three days.” Nick replied, and I felt my eyes widen. He opened his mouth to say something, but his mom called him from downstairs.

“Nicholas, can you come down here for a second?” He laughed quietly, shaking his head.

“Eighteen years and they still call me Nicholas.” He said, flashing me a small smile. “I’ll see you in a few.” He moved down the hall, disappearing down the stairs. I nodded, moving into the bathroom, flicking the light switch on. I locked the door and moved to the sink, looking in the mirror. A small gasp escaped my lips.

My face was badly beaten up. There were a few black and purple bruises along my cheekbones, and a scar across my forehead. I frowned, leaning forward to get a better look. Harvey had definitely gotten in a few swings before I left.

I sighed, moving back and changing out of the pyjamas and into my old clothes. I was running a brush through my hair when there was a knock on the door. I figured it was Nick, so I opened it.

“Oh! Who are you?” I asked. It wasn’t Nick; it was a boy who was about 12. He had lighter brown hair that curled slightly at the edges, and his eyes were a lighter brown than Nick’s, taking after Paul’s.

“I’m Frankie. I live here. Who are you?” He asked, raising one eyebrow.

“I’m Felicity. I slept here.” I said, pointing at the room. Frankie’s other eyebrow raised.

"Oh, you’re Nick’s girl. Okay. I’ll just use the other bathroom.” He said, shrugging and walking away without another word. I turned back around to brush my teeth.

How many more mystery people am I going to run into before breakfast?

As it would turn out, one more. I was leaving the bathroom when I ran into one more Jonas boy. It was slightly more awkward, because he was shirtless.

“Hey! You’re Sleeping Beauty!” He said, grinning widely. I nodded sheepishly.

Well, they had to call me something.

“Yeah. My name is Felicity.” I said, looking at his face, avoiding his bare chest.

“I’m Joe, Nick’s older brother. I’m guessing he’s glad to see you up. Man, he was so worried about you.” Joe said, shaking his head. I smiled softly. That was sweet of Nick.

“Well, come on. I bet my mom’s got something cooking. She is the best chef in the world.” He added with a wide grin. Unlike his brothers, Joe smiled with his teeth a lot.
He slung an arm casually around my shoulder, guiding me towards the stairs. When we walked downstairs, Frankie, Nick and Paul were already sitting down. Denise was serving them scrambled eggs. They all looked up when Joe and I walked in. Paul raised one eyebrow, but turned away when Denise came by with his eggs. Nick watched us, his face blank. Joe didn’t notice either of them, instead making a beeline for the seat next to Frankie. He bounced excitedly, and I couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. It was obvious he was the oldest, but he acted like a child.

“Come on Felicity, come eat. You can sit next to Nick.” Denise said with a warm smile. I smiled back, nodding as I moved to sit in the wooden chair.

“He didn’t hurt you, did he?” Nick asked quietly, turning his head to look at me.

"Geez Nick, chill. I didn’t hurt her. She’s awake now, no need to be so overprotective.” Joe said, rolling his eyes. “See what I mean? This is what he was like when you were sleeping.” He added, looking at me now. I giggled.

“Don’t worry Nick, I’m fine.” I said, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. I smiled up at him, and he relaxed, nodding.

“Just messing around. Can’t be too careful with Joe around.” Nick said, cracking a smile.

“I take offense to that.” Joe said, pointing his fork at Nick. I giggled again. They were such a friendly family, always loving with each other.

Denise scooped some eggs onto my plate, and I thanked her. She took a seat next to her husband, and everyone was holding hands.

“We pray before every meal.” Nick explained, taking my hand in his. I smiled, my mom had us pray before every meal as well. I took Frankie’s hand, and we bowed our heads. Denise blessed the food, and we began eating.

“So boys, what did you have planned for today?” Denise asked, taking a bite of her eggs. I followed her lead, eating the delicious and fluffy eggs.

“I was thinking of going to Noah’s for awhile.” Frankie said, nodding his head.

“Cassidy and I were just going to hang out here, and I think Kevin’s swinging by later.” Joe said through a mouthful of eggs.

“Joseph, don‘t talk with your mouth full. Nicholas?” Denise asked, looking from Joe to Nick. I wondered as I ate if Kevin was one of Joe’s friends.

Nick shrugged. I didn’t really have any plans for today.” He said, chewing and swallowing before speaking.

Denise nodded. “Your father and I have to take care of some business down at the office, but we should be done before 3. Frankie, we can drop you off when we’re finished eating and pick you up when we’re done at the office.” She said, neatly eating. Frankie nodded.

“When we come home, we can go get you some more clothes, Felicity.” Denise added. I almost choked on the eggs that I was currently chewing.

“You mean I can stay?” These people had to be my guardian angels. Denise nodded.

“Unless you have another place to go, I’m not going to just kick you out on the streets.”She said. I shook my head quickly.

“No, I don’t. Thank you. Thank you so much.” I said, and she beamed.

“Of course dear. Now, eat Frankie.” Denise said, moving on as if she gave away houses every day.
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