Status: Active

Four Letter Lie

Death Wish

"Will you stop fidgeting?!" I yelled at Christina for the fifth time.

"I'm sorry, Veronica, but I'm nervous," she whined.

"You shouldn't have picked your hip, that shit's gonna hurt," I said.

She whined and I saw her eyes tear up. I rolled my eyes and placed my tattooing gun down on the counter. I crossed my legs and waited for her to calm down. She saw me waiting for her and wiped her eyes.

"Okay, I'm ready," she finally answered.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

She nodded and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and turned her head when she heard my gun start buzzing again. I started to outline Brian's name and I felt her tense up underneath my hand.

"Stop being tense, relax," I instructed her. I started tattooing again and decided to talk to her, hopefully that would keep her mind off the tattoo. "So, how's Brian?" I asked.

"Why do you want to know?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

I shrugged before answering. "Just wanted to know how my future brother-in-law is doing," I almost gagged on that word.

"Oh, he's fine. He went into the studio today,"

"Just him?" I dipped my needle in some more ink and kept tracing.

"No, he went with Zack and Johnny,"

I made a sound of disgust at the mention of Zack's name. "I hate that fatass," I rolled my eyes.

"Why do you hate Zack so much?" she chuckled.

"He's a conceited asshole who thinks the world revolves around him,"

"He's nice once you get to know him,"

"No, he's nice once you feed him,"

"Veronica, you need to start getting along with him. You're going to be walking down the aisle with him in September,"

"I'll be doing what?" I asked her.

"Walking down the aisle with him," she smiled.

"Like hell I am. I'm not being your maid of honor,"

"Veronica, please," she pleaded.


"Why not?" she whined.

"Because you know how I feel about the whole marriage thing,"

"You're so stubborn," she huffed.

"Mom made me that way," I shrugged.

"No, you're just naturally stubborn,"

She stopped talking and I put the finishing touches on her tattoo. I stopped tattooing and placed my gun back in its holder.

"All done," I said and cleaned off her tattoo.

"Already?" she asked.

"Yeah, I made sure I kept you talking the whole time to take your mind off of it," I walked her over to the floor length mirror so she could get a look at her first tattoo.

"Oh my god," she gasped.

I fixed up the tattoo that she wanted. She had only wanted his name in cursive, but I decided to make it a little fancier by having shooting stars surround it since I knew she loved stars. For right now, everything was just in black, I would go back and add color later on if she wanted.

"You like it?" I smiled.

"I love it," she said and smiled back at me in the mirror.

"See, it wasn't so bad," I brought her back over to my station so I could wrap it up.

"No, it wasn't,"

"If you want color put in the stars later on just come back,"

"I will," she said. "How much is it?" she asked.

"It's on the house,"

"Are you sure?" she asked and put her wallet back in her bag.

"Yup, think of it as a pre-wedding gift," I grinned.

"From my maid of honor?" she asked in a hopeful voice.

I sighed and crossed my arms. "Don't push it,"

"Fine, but just think about it, please? It would mean the world to me," she said.

"I will," I said.

"Thanks," she smiled and hugged me.

"No problem. Now, go home and show off your new tattoo to Brian,"

She waved to me and walked out the shop.


"Guess what," Christina said while sipping her wine cooler and reclining in the sun bathing chair next to me.

"What?" I asked and reclined in my sun bathing chair too and pulled my shorts down a bit.

"You got me laid the other night," she smirked.

"Yuck," I answered. "How did I get you laid?"

"Because you tattooed Brian's name on me," she turned her head towards me, but I couldn't see her eyes because she had on sunglasses.

"Well, I'm glad to know that my artwork helps people get laid," I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my own wine cooler.

She giggled and turned her head back forward so she could look out at the ocean. Brian and Christina had a high wooden porch that had steps leading down to the beach that was directly behind their house. Hell, the beach was basically their backyard.

I took a deep breath and thought this was the perfect time to tell Christina what I had to say. "Hey, Christina?" I said and kept my head down, picking away the label off the glass bottle.


Before I could tell her anything, the back door slid open and Brian and Zack walked out. Why the fuck was he always with Brian!? Hisgorgeous ugly green eyes traveled over to me and he smirked.

"Hey, gorgeous," he greeted.

"Get the hell away from me," I responded and kept picking off the label.

He chuckled and leaned against the railing in front of me, blocking my view of the beach and in return giving me an eye level view of his crotch. I looked up at him and saw that he had a smirk on his face. Stupid bastard.

"What are you ladies doing out here?" Brian asked.

"Getting a tan," she referred to her bikini, I on the other hand had on regular clothes.

"And showing off that sexy tattoo on your hip," Brian added.

"Only for you," she answered.

I rolled my eyes at their playfulness and made a gagging sound.

"You did a good job, Veronica," Brian complimented me.

"I know," I shrugged.

"How'd you get her to do it?"

"She asked me to do it. So I kept her talking during the tattoo so she wouldn't think of it,"

"Wow sounds smart. Are you sure you came up with that idea all by yourself?" Zack asked.

"Yes, you lump of shit," I snapped.

Brian snorted with laughter and tried to hide it. Christina let a laugh slip through her lips and Zack snarled.

"Christina, I need to talk to you inside," I said and got off the chair.

"Alright," she said and followed me inside.

We took a seat on the couch and I turned to her.

"What's up?" she asked.

"Okay, you have to promise me something first," I said.


"You have to promise me not to go crazy and jump around and do all that crazy shit you usually do when you get excited," I ordered.

"Deal," she said.

"Alright, well I thought about your offer for the wedding," I gulped. "And I decided to be your maid of honor," I finished.

Her eyes got wide and she waved her hands around, not knowing what to say. Instead of saying something like a normal person would, she opted to scream at the top of her lungs. I covered my ears and I felt her body weight come crashing down on me. She started jumping up and down while holding on to me and I heard footsteps come running into the room.

"Woah! Girl on girl porn!" Brian yelled.

"Get off!" I yelled and pushed Christina off of me.

"Thank you so much! You made me so happy, Veronica!" she screamed and hugged me again.

"Baby, what's going on?" Brian asked.

"Veronica agreed to be my maid of honor," she finally let go of me.


She nodded her head and couldn't keep the smile off her face.

"Finally, now we can start planning shit for the wedding," he threw his hands up.

"Great, now I have to walk down the aisle with her. She won't be good for my image," Zack rolled his eyes.

"Great, now I have to walk down the aisle with Shamu on my right arm," I shot back.

Zack crossed his arms and glared at me and I put my hands on my hips and glared right back. These next six months were going to be the worst six months of my life. I had to do it though, I had to do it for Christina. Maybe it won't be so bad, I hope.

I think I just signed my death wish.
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