Status: I'm going to try to work on my stories much more, cross country's pretty much over so I'll have more time.

This Isn't It


Finally, the plane had landed and we were walking on the way home.
"Matt? Can I say something?" I asked quietly.
"Sure, what is it?" He asked.
"I don't think we should stay together. It feels wrong dating you if I can't remember anything about you, and I think I should start fresh. It would make everything so much simpler, and simplicity is what I need."
His face flashed to one of enragement, then back to a complacent one. We walked for a few minutes before I had to have a reply of some sort.
"Matt, please say something."
"You want to break up because you can't remember anything," he stated more than asked.
I only nodded dumbly.
"How stupid can you be? I've never heard a more ridiculous thing!" He grabbed my upper arm tightly and led me into an alley.
Oh gosh, I thought. Here I go dying, now. But he kept leading me onward, so I didn't worry as much.
"I don't think it's stupid! Do you want to be in a relationship where you lie to each other? I don't!" I argued.
His grip on me tightened so much that I felt my arm starting to go numb.
"Matt, my arm –"
"Shut up!" He punctuated this with a backhand slap to my face. "You're just a stupid girl who has no idea what's going on, and who thinks she's all that because she knows a famous band! Well here it is: there's a reason nobody's found you yet! It's because no one wants you or wants to remember you! You're a worthless piece of shit," punch to the stomach.
I fell to the ground and gasped for air, forcing myself not to neither cry nor puke.
He pulled me up by the back of my shirt, stared me in the face, then slowly smiled and said, "I feel better now, so I'll even tell you a secret. Your parents don't live here and never have. As a matter of fact, they're dead. They died along with your useless sister in a car accident a few months ago. Now, since you're apparently so good at making friends, I'll leave you to do just that. I hope I never see your hideous face again." With that, he punched me again, just for good measure, and walked away as I laid on the ground crying.
What seemed like hours later, I forced myself to get up and at least get out of the alley, which, by now, was almost completely dark. I pulled my small duffel over my shoulder and walked aimlessly down the street until I found a park that had a few people hanging around. I found an empty bench, and, without thinking about it, laid down and fell asleep.


Luckily the next morning, none of my things were gone. Maybe I have some luck left. I knew I had to do something, and find somewhere to stay. I wished I knew someone's number in All Time Low, just so I'd have a familiar person to talk to.
I found a small cyber café and paid for a pass before going online and finding out when All Time Low was coming here. Four days. I could survive on my own for four days. Hopefully.
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School's out! Woot woot! Aaaand though I'm SURE you all know, just to make sure....THE WORLD CUP STARTS TOMORROW! YEESSSSSSSSSS! SPAIN FOR THE WIN!! Everyone cheer for the US Saturday against England!