A7X Messed Up Fanfiction

Chapter 7

SynystraGatas: Uh,So many. considering you guys have 10 songs in the last album. xD

SomethingRevolutionary:Fuck you!

SynystraGatas: You Wish

HotSynofGod: Omg,where did you come from? Hopefully not france (Pink is the new black) :D

SynystraGatas: I think i came from my mom´s belly. And i was actually born in an hospital!

ZackaVengeance: Really? I always though babies come in small bags that read "Nightmare" on them.

MattcS69: Wow,i actually kinda like you two now.

SexyVengeance: You tell me! i was considering adopting them both! x)

SynystraGatas: No zacky. we will not be your sex slaves.

SexyVengeance: Lets get the groupies then.

HotSynofGod: You go. Last time they said i was ugly as fuck.

JonathanSeward: That´s true though.

SynystraGatas: LIES! He´s Hot

ZackaVengeance: Eh.. he´s alright.

SynystraGatas: Stop lying. You´re the one Who told me about him.

HotSynofGod: hello? Im still here,you know?

Mattcs69: Considering syn has a huge ego,i bet he´s gonna shove this conversation in our faces later.

JonathanSeward: Thanks a lot.

SomethingRevolutionary: Hollywood Whore,passed out on the floor,cant take it no more,im sorry but the party´s over (8)

SexyVengeance: Syn passed out?

HotSynofGod: Haha,very funny.

ZackaVengeance: I love how we are talking and the rev aka Jimmy suddently changes the subject.

SynystraGatas: Yeah! twin brother for the win!

SexyVengeance: So.. im really loving the convo,but its getting late,how about we leave and talk tomorrow?

Mattcs69: He´s gonna watch dr.Phil.

somethinGrevolutionary: Nooo! Oprah! i bet you find her dead sexy,zv.

JonathanSeward: Guys,im out! Byeee!

JonathanSeward Logged Off.

SomethingRevolutionary: Pfft,my johnny left. im out too. Byeee sexy people!

SomethingRevolutionary Logged off.

SexyVengeance: wtf? I was the one who talked about leaving and now everyone leaves before me! Unfrair! Night Dudes and Dudettes.

SexyVengeance Logged Off.

ZackaVengeance: Ooooo,we´re on a convo with syn and matt. ALONe! Im really excited.

SynystraGatas: I have to wear diapres cus of all the excitement *rolls eyes*

ZackaVengeance: You´re just pretending to look cool cus of syn.

HotSynofGod:Ohhh... FIGht!Fight!

Mattcs69: Syn! Noo! they are our fans! If they kill eachother,we´re doomed!

SynystraGatas: Being so nice will be the death of you,dear matt.

hotSynofGod: You took the words out of my mouth.

SomethingRevolutionary: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

ZackaVengeance: what the fuck? Isnt he supposed to have left a while ago?

SomethingRevolutionary: "appear Offline" exists for some reason :) But im really going now. Buh byee

Mattcs69: Im going to take his actions as an example and leave too! Talk soon. Byee

Mattcs69 logged off.

SynystraGatas: Why hello syn. we can rape you with words now you know? You´re alone. AH

HotSynofGod: Or you could always come meet us and rape me personally.

ZackaVengeance: Wtf syn. Being raped is not nice

hotSynofGod: you know that by experience? The boogey man did it?

ZackaVengeance: You´re out of my list of sexy people.

SynystraGatas: Wooo! nice.

hotSynofGod: Now i wont sleep at night.

ZackaVengeance: Ill give you some pills. maybe you´ll wake up,maybe not.

HotSynofGod: Aww cmon.ill be nice to you now on kai?

ZackaVengeance: I guess

SynystraGatas: you better get going. Sexy people need their beauty sleep xDD

hotSynofGod: thank you! we shall talk tomorrow. Night xx

hotSynofgod Logged off.

Synystragatas: So.. they are nice.

ZackaVengeance: Nice??? just nice??

SynystraGatas: Yeah? and reallyyy hot.

ZackaVengeance: yumm! what id do if i met them.

SynystraGatas: Hey.. how about we try to convince them to take us on tour? we can always sell merchandise for them or something

ZackaVengeance: dreaming too high! but maybe we can get backstage passes for the next show here!

SynystraGatas: Brilliant Idea. That´s a good start. Well,lets go to bed now.

zackaVengeance: yeah.. byee! xx

SynystraGatas: Bye friend xD good night!
♠ ♠ ♠
Hehe =D

Sorry about any spelling mistakes. this one was a quick update D;