Far From Wonderland.

Chapter 11.

I opened my eyes again. I felt like Ive been doing that for a while. The blurs from before slowly danced into focus.

"Hello there." One of the boys said. His voice strangely familiar.

"Hello." I answered but it came out as a rasping groan. "Can I get a glass of water?" The second boy came over to me handing me a shaking glass full of clear cold liquid. "Thanks." I felt somewhat fragile being under surveillance of to mega cute guys. I know them, well at least i think i know them. I was struggling to remember how i know them. Nothing came, just blurry meaningless memories. "What happened?"

The two of them shrugged. Oh, that's very helpful now isn't it, they conveniently forget what happened. "How did I get here?" I asked resigned. The little girl I'd failed to notice started to laugh.

"This is your home silly."

"No it's not." The two boys exchanged concerned glances.

"Well then where is your home," The stubborn girl said folding her arms across her chest. I paused trying to think but once again not many memories came and the ones that did were blurry as if seen through an unfocused camera.

"I don't know," I said softly, what have I gone insane? Why couldn't I remember any thing. I was trying so hard to remember the names of these people in front of me.
Did they have to stare like that I'm not going anywhere? I don't think I could stand. "Erm, it would be nice if you explained how the hell I got here." I said in a stronger crisper voice that made them flinch and walk out the door.

You've got to be kidding me right? Have I been kidnapped. Wait, no nothing exciting happens to me. I know I must have slipped and hit my head, but even that sounds to exciting for my life. I laid back on the hard bed and stared at the roof. These people knew what was going on but I didn't. I knew them but I don't know how I knew them. My head began to throb. You know the nonexistent pain that just stays there until you take some aspirin. I closed my eyes and listened to the urgent mummers from the next room.