Status: only a few more to go, hopefully it won't take me five months to post them.

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

Act Three, Scene Three

“I’m not giving in to this, this, whatever it is you’re doing Frank. I’m beyond that and you and I both know it. Sit your fucking ass down and talk to me or so help you I don’t punch you in the face.”

I’ve never seen Mikey so livid before; well once, but that was back in fifth grade when Gerard ruined his Spiderman comic. I could only nod dumbly as I made my way towards my bed and sat down, pulling my knees up to my chest. His eyes never left my form, nor did mine leave his.

How do you tell your best friend something that he already probably knows? How do you tell him his brother’s best friend used me like that? They put my feelings out there like they were nothing but a mere play thing and stomped and spit on them for good measure—or perhaps that’s what I did to Gerard.

“I know his side, I want yours. Bert’s a fucked up kind of guy; we all know this, what I want to know Frankie, is why you lied like that to him?”

“How the fuck was I supposed to know your brother was eavesdropping huh? How the fuck was I supposed to know that he’d ask me something so terrifying? Do you know how hard it is to admit that you actually feel for someone like that? Do you Mikey? Do you tell Alicia that you love her? Does she hide away while her friends pester you about your feelings for her? Do they mock you on a daily basis because you happen to be more obvious than oblivious to your feelings? Do they?!”

I hadn’t realized I was yelling but the hoarse sound of my voice and the soreness of my throat caught me off guard. Mikey was shrunk back against his wall behind his bed, wide eyed and staring at me. Then I realized I had crossed the room and my right hand was firmly attached to the collar of his shirt.

“Sorry Mikes. Sorry.”

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me down to him, wrapping his arms around me.

“Just let it all out Frankie, stop holding shit in, I don’t want a repeat of that one time, okay? I’ve never been so scared in my life and I’m getting pretty damn close to feeling that way again.”

“He was there, him and Bert, in that fucking costume closet. I wanted to come out of hiding but I couldn’t face them, not the sight of them. The sounds they were making, I knew what they were doing!”

His hands began to rub my back as he rocked us back and forth.

“Did I lose my chance Mikey? Did I hurt him that bad he’d crawl to his best friend for shit like that? Hell at this point I’d let him use me like that.”

“Frankie, I, I really don’t know what happened that day. Bert glares at me if I so much as come ten feet within my brother and Gee, he, he hasn’t talked to me in days.”

He pushed me away, just a little, and looked me in the eye.

“Don’t you ever let anyone use you, you hear me? You’re far too good for the likes of something that petty. If Gee can’t see passed that denial of your feelings he’s a fucking idiot. Frankie, you’re, you’re fucking amazing. If my brother can’t see that he doesn’t deserve you in the first place. You deserve only the best.”

He leant forward and gently pressed his lips to mine. Not a kiss to say he’s secretly loved me, nor that he has feelings for me, but a mere kiss, one like a mother would give her child. A kiss to let me know I still had someone in this world that cared about me. However, it was that precise moment our door opened and as we turned to the intruder, his arms wrapped around me tighter.

“What the fuck are you playing at Michael?!”