Status: only a few more to go, hopefully it won't take me five months to post them.

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

Act Three, Scene Four.

I couldn't even move, let alone process a thought as I took in the sight of our intruder. Mikey's arms immediately removed themselves from around me. I quickly moved away from him; way to feed into the moment.

"Well, are you going to answer dickhead? What the fuck do you think you're playing at?"

I glanced over at Mikey, his mouth causing him to look like a gold fish; opening and closing. I wouldn't even know what to say to something like that in a situation like this. What would you say? I was just kissing my best friend in a merely platonic way, despite the fact he was pulling me closer--still, it didn't mean anything. That was the truth though, it didn't.

"What the fuck are you playing at?"

Mikey's quickly closed his mouth into a fine line and locked his eyes on our intruder. He sat up and squared his shoulders.

"You made your intentions known Gerard and I was merely comforting my best friend over his heartache. What do you want, you only venture over here if you need something, spit it out."

Gerard's stance faltered; his shoulders slumped and his eyes found the floor. He kept clenching his hands into fists and his jaw kept clenching as well; what was his problem? Surely he can't be jealous, he made out with Bert. His eyes finally rose to meet my own.

"Frankie, I, godammit why the fuck is this so hard?!"

He took a few steps towards where we sat, his eyes never leaving my own.

"I was fucking crushed when I heard you tell Bert that you didn't love me; all the fucking signs were there that you did but I was too chicken shit to do a damn thing about it. Then I finally have the guts to do something about it and I walk off to find comfort in the worst of ways. I let him use me because we both want someone who apparently gives two shits for us."

He was breathing rather hard and his eyes held so many different emotions, emotions that spilled over into his cracked voice.

"I was there. I was in the costume closet while you two were there. I fucking heard the two of you and unless it was my name you moaned out I just might believe you. I fucked up, I admit that and I know it. I don't go to my best friend and let him touch me, fuck me, kiss me, hold me, just to get some kind of kick of what I can't have with you. The only names I heard were your own."

"I, Frankie, I..."

"Don't even apologize; it's not even worth it anymore."

There was a knock on the door, Mikey called enter.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting, oh hello Ways, Frankie I was wondering if you'd like to run over a few of our parts together?"

I smiled over at Quinn and jumped up quickly from Mikey's bed and gathered my bag and followed him out without glancing back.