Status: only a few more to go, hopefully it won't take me five months to post them.

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

Act One, Scene Two.

I’ve missed yet another meal and there’s only one person to ever notice my eating habits. The same person who is sitting cross-legged, arms folded across his chest, eyes glaring, as he sits atop the foot of my bed.

“Where were you, and don’t you dare tell me in that room?”

“Then I won’t tell you where I was.”

He raised an eyebrow at me over his glasses before a small smile tugged at his lips. He let his arms fall into his lap as he divulged the outcome of the show down I had passed in the hall earlier in the day.

“Bert and Quinn were so close, their noses were touching; everyone thought they’d end up making out right then and there if they let their emotions get the better of them. Everyone can see they’re smitten with each other, that’s why they’re always at each other’s throats, always staring the other down.”

I could hear the amusement in his voice as I fiddled with my fingers.

“Though that’s not what caught the attention of Jeph, Quinn’s right hand, he said my brother broke their battle of the eyes to glance at someone today. Said it’s not the first time my brother’s done it in an argument of sorts before.”

I quickly met his gaze; I could feel the flush rising in my cheeks.

“He hates me, why does he even bother?”

He shrugged.

“That’s apparently what Jeph and Quinn are now going to figure out. Is the school’s second biggest homophobe truly a closet gay? Oh the scandal that would be created if it turns out my brother has that itch for you! I wouldn’t be surprised if he does, you’re extraordinary Frankie, anyone would be lucky to have you.”

I knew that if I could, I’d have just turned pinker than I already was. Leave it to me to have that stupid crush on my best friend’s older brother. The catch, as said, he’s in the group at school that doesn’t tolerate the rest of their student body—preferably the gay ones.

How could I not fall for him though? He’s talented in art, music and writing. His complexion is near perfection. His eyes are my favorite though. They can entrap you so quickly you don’t even realize it and all he has to do is glance at you for just a second. The way the light dances throughout the hazel, highlighting and low-lighting the browns and greens; the way no emotion can surface as he looks at you.

“Thanks Mikey. Can we head to bed early tonight? I’m rather anxious for auditions tomorrow morning.”

He scoffed as he climbed off my bed and headed to the twin on the other side of the room.

“Frankie you couldn’t even try and you’d still land an astounding role. I’m pretty sure you’re a dead set for Romeo. Me on the other hand, I see myself as the ever amazing Mercutio. Oh, did I tell you that Bert and Gee are auditioning as well? Quinn and Jeph are too I think. What the hell is our world coming too? Good night Frankie!”

I mumbled a small night and stared up at my ceiling. I heard the shuffling of Mikey getting into his bed, under his covers and even as time went the changes in his breathing as he drifted off to sleep. The top four guys in our school were trying out for what was to be the biggest production this school’s ever done. Not because it was Romeo and Juliet, but because we weren’t asking for the girls from across the lake to take part.

An all male cast; whoever was cast as Romeo and Juliet would share a fair number of kisses and with the two biggest homophobes auditioning, I’m sure tomorrow was going to be interesting.