Status: only a few more to go, hopefully it won't take me five months to post them.

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

Act One, Scene Four.

Why, sir, I trust I may have leave to speak; and speak I will. I am no child, no babe. Your betters have endur’d me say my mind, and if you cannot, best you stop your ears. My tongue will tell the anger of my heart, or else my heart, concealing it, will break; and rather than it shall, I will be free even to the uttermost, as I please, in words…I never saw a better fashion’d gown, more quaint, more pleasing, nor more commendable; belike you mean to make a puppet of me.

I took the breath I knew I had been holding as the lights brightened once again. I heard the small clap of Mr. Sanchez.

“Well done Mr. Iero, very well done. Katherine is a fine woman to quote and she comes from one of my favorite works. The part for which you’ve auditioned for was only asked of by one other. I’ve seen them already and I must say, if you truly wish to have it, it is yours.”

I couldn’t fight the grin that erupted on my face. I could only nod; no words were coming to mind. I had gotten the part I wanted.

“Come by Tuesday after last bell and we’ll begin our first read-through. Send in Mr. McCracken on your way out.”

I nodded my confirmation and headed back the way I came. I let Bert know it was his turn; he shoved his shoulder into my own as he passed me. I walked through the classroom door and out into the hall. I couldn’t contain myself, I jumped in the air and let out that over used ‘yes’. I did it. I got the part I wanted. I was interrupted when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. My eyes widened when they took in a set of the same color.

“How’d it go?”

“Got the part I wanted.”

Awkward moments defined my life; living with Mikey did that to a person. This moment, however, far out did those. His hand was scratching nervously at his neck as his eyes darted around, looking at everything but me. His breathing was off, just slightly, enough to let me know he was nervous about standing in front of me.

“Break a leg Gerard. You might want to get back in so you don’t miss your call.”

I turned and walked down the hall; hearing his fain ‘bye Frankie’ as he returned to the confines of the classroom. He touched me. He spoke to me. He touched me. He spoke to me. He touched me. He spoke to me. It was the cherry to my day. It truly was. I must’ve had a dopey look on my face because one I arrived back to my dorm; Mikey threw his comic at me.

“What’s got you all—what did he do?”

“He touched me and he spoke to me.”

He raised his eyebrow at me before looking back down at the comic he hadn’t thrown at me.

“If that was all then I’ll get back to—“

Our door burst open and his brother came in, a large smile on his face. All of his teeth showing, his eyes finally showing some emotion—happiness—he jumped on Mikey’s bed and pulled him in for a hug.

“I’m in the play! I actually got a part! I’m going to be Paris!”

It wasn’t till he let Mikey go and sat back and looked around that he realized someone else was in the room. Someone else had watched his outburst of excitement. Someone else had seen him act human—that someone being me.
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"monologue" is from Taming of the Shrew by good ol' Billy Shakespeare.