Status: Got writers block. hold out for me, wonderful readers!

A Letter to You

Chapter 9

Wow. I had no idea my body could handle so much alcohol.
I kept taking drink after drink to hopefully get Elise off my mind for the time being. It did, but then there was the problem of my poor drunken judgement. The girls couldn't keep themselves away from me all night, despite their team having just lost a game because of me. If you know where I'm going with this, you know I didn't want it to happen.
Our team was spending another night in Ottawa because we had a few days off for the new year. So it wasn't a problem when I woke up in a hotel in the city the next morning. It was a problem when I woke up in the hotel room with my arms wrapped around an unfamiliar blonde woman.
I smacked myself in the face and rubbed my temples groggily after I ripped my arms off of the woman. I had a killer headache to boot due to the hangover I recieved after getting smashed last night. What a way to end the year.
I quickly pulled on the boxers I saw laying at the foot of the bed and headed to the bathroom. Taking some aspirin out of my bag, I shot those down to ease the headache away and hopped in the shower. I couldn't have felt more disgusting if I tried. I would have rather rolled in elephant shit than have slept with the girl I left in the other room.
Okay, that's a bit much, but still. I was trying to get Elise back. I shouldn't be going off galavanting with my teammates getting drunk and picking up random chicks.
After scrubbing my body until my skin felt raw, I deemed myself clean enough to turn the water off and get ready to head out to find the rest of the team. I put on a grey sweater and a pair of jeans, gelled my hair and walked back into the bedroom to find mystery lady dressed and about ready to leave.
"Sidney," she shrieked, prancing over and pulling my head forward to kiss me. I was too shocked to do anything else, so I kissed her back. She then turned on her heel and strutted to the door.
"Call me," she yelled to me before she closed the door behind her. I just stood there, unsure of what just happened. Do all one night stands end like that?
What the hell?
A hand stopped the door before it closed all the way and Tyler Kennedy shuffled in, and the door closed for real after that.
"I see you landed a hot one," he joked. I just rubbed my face out of frustration again. "In fact I'm pretty sure I heard how hot she was last night." I did laugh at that.
"I hate you." TK cracked a smile.
"So what about Elise now? I expect you're not gonna be calling this bimbo anytime soon," he said, motioning to the door she had just walked out of with his thumb.
"Well I have to call her to tell her that nothing will ever be happening between us again, and it was never supposed to in the first place," I began, only to go on and change the topic. "But what do you know about Elise? There has to be a reason she wrote your name on the back of the letter."
"I did some thinking," he started. "She did seem familiar at the game last night and I didn't think it would come this quickly to me. During this past offseason when I was back home I visited a local college - Sault College, I believe - and there was a soccer practice going on outside. I hung out with these two girls for some of the time I was there, and the one girls name was Elise. So she put the soccer ball on the letter, right?" I nodded. "That's got to be her then."
"I have to go there."
"Right now?"
"Yes, right now. We have a few days off anyways."
"Dude, what if she's not even there? She might be on a holiday break for all we know," Tyler pointed out. I hung my head at the thought but still thought about the possibility that she might be there.
"We at least have to try."
Tyler hesitated shortly but nodded and pulled me over to where my laptop was on the desk. He opened the internet page up and managed to find two tickets to Sault Ste Marie. I asked him why he got two, he said he could visit family while I "stalked Elise", as he put it. There wasn't much the guys could get me frazzled about anymore, but Elise was one of the things that they really bothered me about. Seriously, no one cracks a joke or coos when Flower talks about his girlfriend, Veronique. Sometimes, especially when I was in a horrible mood to begin with, they just piss me off about it. They need to say goodbye to the ways of high school crushes. It got old fast.

Tyler and I left early the next morning to the airport. We told Coach Dan the night before that we were taking a day or two for ourselves and we'd be back in time for the first game after New Years. He was obviously okay with that, or we wouldn't be going at all. So there Tyler and I sat in the terminal, waiting for our flight to be called.
"Good luck on your test, Morg," I called as I lugged my orange Adidas duffle bag behind me. "I'll see you in a few weeks."
"Thanks darling," Morgan exclaimed. "Say hi to your parents for me!"
"I can do that for you."
"Hey, maybe Sid's back home for New Years," she mentioned. "You might see him and then he'll confess his love for you and you can have hot sex together." She wiggled her eyebrows and I threw her a disgusted look.
"I hate you."
"Thanks, love you too!" Morgan ran over to give me a hug and after that, I was off on my way to Cole Harbour, praying inside that Sidney would in fact be there.
♠ ♠ ♠
mehh. I'm not sure I like this one. but it's been a while, I thought you all needed some Sidney loving:)
he was a naughty boy in this. please don't hate me XD
comment pleeeeassseeeee!!!