This Love Is Scary


Emmett sighed as he came back in the tent he went feeding he watched as Tiffany stirred in her sleep but didn't wake up he thought about last night and how she could of felt he didnt want to take advantage of her he loved her Tiffany blinked slowly then remember last night she smiled as she saw Emmett "Hey you" she said he looked down at her body and put his hand on her lower back "Hey did you you have a good sleep" he said she notice something in his voice she never heard in his voice before "whats wrong babe" she said he sighed then laid down next to her pulling her close then said "yea do you regret what we almost did last night" she turned so she was facing him and said "no thats was one of the best nights of my life why do you regret it" he heard the sadness in her voice "No I dont regret it but I dont want feel like Im taking advantage of you I know thats something special to you" he said "You didnt take advantage of me I wanted to but not now and I would like to lose my virginity to you" she said smiling he widen his eyes at what she said he no know she loves him

"You do" he said shocked she laughed "Yes Emmett Dale McCarty Cullen I do" he looked at her even more surprised "How do you know my full name" she chuckled and said "I have my ways babe" he glared at her "Who told you" he said she playfully pit her finger on her chin and bite her bottom lip "I don't know" she said "yeah oh okay" he said and playfully pouted in then corner she crawled slowly to him and kissed his lips "I love you" she said "I love you too now get dressed so we can go on our hike" he said she widen her eyes and said "Hike what hike" he laughed and handed her the clothes he packed for her "Oh my god Im gonna die" she panted he raised his eyebrow and said "whats wrong are you afraid of hikes" she nodded getting dressed her eyes were gray so he thought that meant scared she was done he came and hugged her from behind "Its okay love I'm here with you okay" she nodded and headed out the tent

"Were here" he said looking at the mountain they were going to climb "Oh hell no Im climbing that" she said walking away Emmett grabbed her arm and said "Who said anything about climbing remember i am a vampire" he bent down so Tiffany could go on her back she hesitated but got on "Close your eyes" she did as told them felt the wind hit her face she tightened the grip her thighs that was on his waist only to hear him groan im pleasure "We are on top of the mountain you can open your eyes" she opened her eyes and gasped at how beautiful the sky was she tried to take another step but she stumbled and fell on her butt she laughed soon joined in with Emmett he helped her up and dust her off

"This is beautiful babe" she said he loved the way she said babe makes him want her more "I try" he said she walked up to him and hugged him "And you accomplished" she said kissing his chin going down to his neck liking it tenderly "Your a freak uh" he said "Maybe I really dont know I only had one boyfriend before you and all we did was hold hands" she said he nodded looking at the sky "His name was Joshua he was your average male but he wasnt affectionate enough for me but he ended the 2 year relationship" she said "Oh do you still love him" he asked "No but he treated me like a queen and he loved me he so say he treated me like a human but it was never ever love what about you any exes" she said he sighed and said "Yes I was with Rosalie for all my life but 5 years ago Alec came and stole her heart and now I have you" Tiffany frowned he was with her all his life "Do you still love her" she asked "Uhh a little" "How much is a little" she asked he sighed and said "She was my first love so yea I still kind of love her"

Tiffany's mouth dropped she could'nt believe Emmett just said that "Wow I wanna go home please" she said Emmett looked at her in shock and said "Why do you want to go home" "Well I wanna go to the tent or something and lay down I feel light headed" she lied hoping the would go he nodded bending down so she get on then they left

The walk back to the tent was quite except for Tiffany's humming some song Emmett couldnt make out he would turn to look at her some times and notice her eyes were brown her natural eye color he wondered what that meant he watched as she went in the tent staring at him smiling "What" he asked she shook her head and laid down pulling Emmett with her so she was on top soon she drifted in to a deep stage of sleep Emmett sighed not knowing whats wrong with Tiffany

He loved her and thats all he knew so far