This Love Is Scary


"Emmett it has been a month since we got together" Tiffany said excitedly she just remembered it he smiled "Thats why I'm taking you out" he said she gasped "Why didn't you tell me now I need to buy you something" she said getting up only to be brought back down by Emmett "I dont want nothing" he said "Well your getting some thing" she said smirking and getting up and walking out his room only to be followed by Emmett "Its okay I dont want nothing" he said as they walked in the living room "Yes I bet you got me something" she said he smirked "Exactly now I'm going to the store to buy you something" she said sitting down on the couch "Do you want some one to go with you" Bella asked "No I could go by myself I haven't driven my own car in months" she said Bella nodded Tiffany slipped on her shoes "Well I will be at the mall" she said Emmett got up "Let me at least walk you to your car" he whispered she nodded they walked out the house her car was parked by the side of the house which wasn't a long walk at all "I love you" he said as they made it to her car "Love you too babe" she said unlocking the door he gave her a kiss on the lips and watched as she left to go to the mall

Emmett groaned as he walked back in the house "God Emmett she will be back" Bella said laughing "I know,I know but it feels all weird without her" he said sitting on the couch "Well we are going hunting wanna come" Bella said Emmett nodded knowing they were doing that so he wont be sad...Tiffany groaned as the rain poured down when she made it to the mall she didnt know what to get Emmett she spent 20 minuets looking for something until she found a jewelry store she smiled and walked in "Hello miss what can I do for you" a older looking man said "Um I have a boyfriend and today is our one month anniversary and I want to get something nice" she said smiling he nodded and asked "Whats the lucky fellows name" "Emmett" she responded happily "I have just the thing" he said going behind the counter pulling out a medium sized box "This is the finest of the finest" he said as he opened the bow to reveal a white watch with diamonds as the out line "I love it how much" Tiffany asked looking at the watch "Um 100,000 but for you it could be 25,000" he said she squealed "Okay here" she said pulling out her credit card "Would you like a message inside the box" he asked she nodded "how about you put Love you until death do us part love Tiffany" she said he nodded and printed out the message and placed it in the box and handed her credit card back "Thank you have a nice day" he said "You to" she said leaving she couldn't wait to show Emmett her gift

Tiffany groaned as she drove down the rode she couldn't see anything it was pitch black with fog she gasped as a car was in the wrong lane she tried to move out the way but it was to late the car hit Tiffany from the front allowing Tiffany's car to spiral in to a tree she was dizzy her arms and legs hurt she could feel the blood coming down her face she couldn't feel nothing soon her vision went white to black

Carlise was in the living room with his family until his work phone rang he knew they knew to be quite "yes okay I'll be there right away thank you" he said rushing of the phone "What was it" Nessie asked Carlise looked at his granddaughter than to Emmett "Tiffany has been in a bad car crash she has lost a lot of blood we need to get her in to the ER now" he said rushing out the house Emmett was in shock he zoomed out the house to get to Tiffany he got in his Hummer he was so shaky he couldn't put the key in the ignition soon he was driving super fast down the street his mind was in blur he hoped and prayed Tiffany was okay once at the hospital he went straight to the lady behind the counter "Tiffany Bryant please" Emmett said "Sorry but she's in surgery now you go to the ER waiting room" she said he thanked her soon the whole family was there even Rosalie and Alec "It's going to be okay" Alice said she was sad about this cause she could have stopped it if she would have seen it she just cant see Tiffany's future for some reason "No it's not I should have went with her" Emmett growled "You cant beat yourself up about it" Edward said before Emmett could respond Carlise came down the hallway to see all of his family "Okay made surgery okay broken arm and leg she hit her head pretty hard really close to brain damage her chest and eye are bruised from the airbag coming late she's really really lucky that she made it through" he said "Can we see her" Emmett asked Carlise nodded Emmett got up and paced to her room

Once in there his heart shattered her head wrapped up her eye purple and black left arm in a cast so is her right leg he touched her face knowing she doesn't probably feel it soon everyone was in her room "She will wake maybe tomorrow and here is what they found in her car" Carlise said handing Emmett a box he opened it and frowned she didnt have to go all out and buy him a watch he loved it "Love you until death do us part love Tiffany" he said reading the note "She bought you that" Alice said he nodded she took the watch and gasped "This is beautiful" she said Bella and Nessie nodded in agreement "Okay guys we have to go Emmett you could stay but come home your still going to school" Carlise said Emmett nodded and everyone said their good byes once everyone was gone Emmett sat by her bed and held he hand

This is the first time Emmett could say he wish he was human so he could shed tears for Tiffany