This Love Is Scary

Home Again

Tiffany groaned as she woke up she hated sleeping on her back she looked over to see Emmett gone she sighed and tried to sit up by her self it hurted but she made it up she smiled realizing that she was leaving today and she couldn't wait she looked at the clock and it said 11:30 soon Carlise and Emmett walked through the door Emmett walked around and kissed her cheek "Okay Tiffany you could go home all you have to do is sign this paper" he said handing Tiffany a clip board she made her signature neatly on the paper "Thank you now you can get dressed and ready to go" he said soon a nurse came in "Sir can you wait outside pleas as we change her into her clothes" the nurse said Emmett nodded and left he sighed once he was out side the door he could hear Tiffany groaning in pain he wanted to run in there and help not that nurse "Oh my god look at my chest how in the hell this happen" she shouted Emmett heard her through the door he chuckled soon Tiffany came out in the outfit Emmett packed last night "Are you okay" he asked as he pushed her wheel chair "No you gave me a tank top knowing my chest was like this" she said looking at her bruised chest he chuckled and they made it to the Hummer "How on earth am I going to get in that" she said looking at the Hummer like its a monster "Uh I dont know let me see" he said he left Tiffany up in one swift move and put her in the Hummer so her broken arm would be out the window and her legs a had enough room he put the wheel chair in the back he got in the Hummer "I cant believe this i can't even walk on my own" she mumbled as he made it out the parking lot "Trust me it will be okay" he said

Soon they made it to the house she really didn't feel like it but had to knowing they would probably ask alot of questions Emmet got her out and in to the wheel chair in no time she sighed as Emmett opened the door he carefully wheeled her in the house to earn gasps from the people in the room "How do you feel Tiffany" a girl asked she knew it was Alice "I'm okay" she said "Do you remember some of us" she asked Tiffany nodded and said "Edward,Jasper,Bella,uh Jacob, Rosalie,Alec,Alice,and Esme am I right" pointing to each of the as she said their name "How did you remember then so quickly" Emmett asked "Uh before you had came yesterday I was talking to Carlise and he helped me remember a few things"she said Emmett nodded "Why didn't you guys go to school"Emmett asked "they wanted to stay and see you when you get home" Esme said he nodded "I'm hungry" Jacob announced "When are you not hungry" Esme said getting "Would you like something to eat Tiffany" she asked "Yes please that hospital food was horrible" she said Esme laughed then went to the the kitchen "How did you get bruises on your face" Bella asked "Bella" Emmett and Edward scolded "Um from what Carlise told me the air bag had came late so I was out then it popped out" Tiffany said "Oh" Bella said nodding her head

Soon the food was done Tiffany laughed at the amount of food Jacob had "Hey I'm a growing boy" he said she laughed and started to eat her food she was so happy to be eating regular food she peeked up from her plate instead of seeing Jacob she saw Emmett staring at her smiling "What" she asked "Nothing" he said smirking "Ugh I hate being stuck in a wheel chair" she groaned "Well you cant walk and you can't hold crutches so you need a wheel chair" he said "Christmas is in a week" she said looking at her plate "Yup what do you want" he asked hoping she would say something "Nothing" she said putting the last bite in her mouth he groaned "You have to want something" he said moving her plate for her "I just don't want nothing then my birth day is a week after that I'm good I don't need nothing" she said Emmett sighed and pushed her into the living room "Well me and Tiffany will be up stairs" he announced "Yeah I sure can go up there" she said in a duh voice "Yeah you can" he said putting her on his shoulders "Yeah well this wasn't what I was thinking" she said as he walked up the stairs he chuckled and walked in to his room and gently placed her on his bed "So this is your room" she asked he nodded and laid down next to her carefully wrapping his arms around her waist and moving her closer she smiled up at him he grinned then her eyes turned purple he smiled ear to ear he missed those purple pupils that always sparkled at him

Then and there he know she still loved him