This Love Is Scary

Talk With Carlise

Tiffany smiled as she walked out the school doors she had to puke only twice which was okay since it was the last period of the day "Your not driving" Emmett said taking her keys she raised an eyebrow "And why not" she said trying to snatch her keys but he lift his arm up knowing she couldn't reach it due to her height "Cause for one your pregnant,two you just got done throwing up,third I'm just not letting you drive" he said unlocking the door "It's my car" she said with her arms crossed over her chest "So get in babe" he said getting in and starting up the car Tiffany groaned and got in on the ride home Tiffany and Emmett were holding hands her other hand was protectively put over her stomach Emmett looked down and smiled he unwind his hand from hers and put it on her stomach as soon as he touched it the baby kicked "It knows who it's daddy is" she said smiling with a tear in her eye "Whats wrong" he asked noticing she was on the verge of crying "I wish my mom was here to see this she would be so happy" she said smiling Emmett smiled he was happy that he would soon have a family

They made it home she had no home work or nothing so she went straight to the couch with Emmett next to her "How was school" Esme asked from the kitchen "It was good the baby had it's first kick" Tiffany said "Oh my god that's good" she said excitedly Tiffany smiled and turned to Emmett "You need to go hunting" she said noticing his eyes were black "Why you say that" he asked "Your eyes are black go I'll be fine" she said "I know you'll be fine I just don't want to go" he said "If you dont go you know what will happen" she said he sighed she had a good point before he could respond everybody walked through the door Rosalie came up to Tiffany with a mug "Try this" the blond beauty said Tiffany took the mug she looked in it and frowned "Blood like from a animal blood" she said they all laughed "It's apart of the diet change" Bella said "So like I'm going to crave blood" she asked they all nodded "And since the skin around the baby is so thick your going to crave more" Carlise said Tiffany sighed and brought the warm liquid to her mouth and took a small gulp "See not so bad" Rosalie said laughing Tiffany nodded and took a few more gulps

"I literally drank one whole mug full of blood not only blood a wild animal blood" Tiffany said looking into the now empty mug "And I bet it was good" Alice said smiling Tiffany smiled and laughed "Yeah it was pretty good" she said Emmett had went to go hunting with Jasper,and Edward "Tiffany you wanna do a quick ultrasound to see any improvements" Carlise asked Tiffany nodded and raised up which was a little wobbly and went to Carlise's office with Carlise not far behind her she went in and sat on the little hospital bed and watched as Carlise got the stuff ready she wondered why he was so clam around humans and their blood cause he could easily kill them and these stupid people actually believe that he is thirty he look at least twenty-four his looks was to die for like all of the Cullen's their eyes, pale skin draws you to them and makes you stare like they are a angel that fell right from heaven and landed here for you only to admire "You know it's not good to stare" Carlise said chuckling Tiffany giggled "Sorry" she said lowly leaning back so he can preform the ultrasound

"How do you do it" she asked as he was doing the ultrasound "Do what" he asked "Be so careful with humans" she said "Years and years of practice and plus I chose to help others" he said she nodded "How old are you really" she asked he smiled "Your full of questions huh" he said chuckling she laughed and nodded "Well I'm actually twenty-three" he said "Why do these people believe that your thirty-four you don't even look close to thirty" she asked "I have no clue" he said "Your old enough to be my brother" she said scooting up trying to get comfortable on the little hospital bed he smiled and said "Yea but I'm really old enough to be your great great great great etc grandfather" she softly laughed "Do you see anything" she asked "No I can't the skin is hard" he said "Oh" she said "You know your going to die from this" he said softly Tiffany nodded thats been the only thing on her mind "I know at least I'm dieing for my baby" she said confidently "We are going to save you just you will be turned" he said she nodded and continue watching the screen

Tiffany knew she was risking a lot with the baby and if being turned into a vampire was one that was one risk she was willing to take