This Love Is Scary

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Emmett was deep into the forest he has been gone almost all day he was thinking about what happened he felt like a monster he saw the fear that was written on her face he sighed he knew he should have had more control than that but he was so angry he just let all his anger out on him he knew Tiffany might be mad due to that being her father Emmett looked up and noticed how dark it gotten he decided to go home he ran super human speed through the forest and was home in four minuets top..he sighed and opened the door to the house he could hear everyone get quiet he walked in to the living room to see everyone but Tiffany he looked around and noticed the dent on the the wooded floor and the hole in the wall he sighed and looked at everyone he knew they were probably mad "We aren't mad just surprised how you took your anger out" Edward said clearly reading his mind "But.." he started only to be cut off by Rosalie "But nothing you could have handled it like the better man and not beat him senseless in front of your pregnant girlfriend.Even I wouldn't expect that from you just go apologize to Tiffany you scared her to death just you should have reacted to it better" she said Emmett so was the others surprised it's been along time since they talk to each other Emmett knew she was right so he just nodded and went upstairs

He check her room and notice she wasn't in there he sighed and went in his room he smiled when he saw on his bed sleeping on her side he quietly walked to Tiffany and frowned he saw the tear stains on her cheeks he sighed he didn't know if was from the baby or him he smiled lightly as looked at her stomach he softly put his hand on her stomach and slightly felt the baby move Tiffany slightly twitched from feeling the baby but stayed sleep he sighed he knew she was going through a lot for the baby he sighed and decided to take a quick shower he grabbed some fresh clothes and headed for the door to take a shower

Tiffany groaned feeling uncomfortable in her sleep she woke up and looked around the room and sighed she knew Emmett was still probably gone in the forest she let her tears freely fall she was so confused about everything that happened she hasn't left Emmett's room all day she wiped her eyes and sighed the tears came faster as the baby kicked the kicks has been harder and harder everyday she jumped when she saw Emmett walked through the door with different clothes she guessed he has been here she quickly wiped the tears away she looked down as Emmett walked to her and sat on the edge of the bed she really didn't know what to say neither did Emmett she just sat there tracing circles on her stomach Emmett was just staring at her she could feel his stare she looked up to meet with a pair of mad,sad,and sorry golden eyes that made her heart melt "I'm not mad at you if that's what your thinking I'm just shocked you got so angry and I was nervous when you just left" she said lowly he sighed in relief he thought she would be mad but he had a feeling that she should she sighed and got up to go by Emmett she hugged him only to have her stomach in the way and kissed his cheek "I love you" he said smiling at her "Love you too" she said smiling "Be right back" she said rushing to the bathroom he smiled knowing she had to use the restroom

Emmett was mostly happy that Tiffany didn't hold nothing against him