This Love Is Scary

The End For A New Beginning

"Emmett" Tiffany whined laying on the bed trying to sleep but her stomach was hurting her way to much "Yes" he said walking in his room "My stomach hurt" she moaned getting up to go to the bathroom "You got it" he asked "Yes I got it" she said Emmett sighed he was nervous on what was going to happen he watched as Tiffany walked out the bathroom holding the door for support with tears in her eyes "I want the baby tonight" she said lowly Emmett's eyes popped out "Are you sure your not due till another week" he said helping her out the room to downstairs "I know but it feels like this baby is beating the life out of me and I cant take it anymore" she said once downstairs they notice everyone was there except Carlise "Where's Carlise" Emmett asked "He was called in to give surgery to a patient" Esme said "How long will he be gone" he asked "At least till tonight" Esme said Emmett groaned "Why" Bella asked "Tiffany wants the baby tonight" he said looking over at Tiffany who was shaking and quietly whimpering he put his arm over her shoulder she snuggled into him and close her eyes to see if she could go to sleep she was in so much pain that she knew she was ready to have her child

Emmett looked over his shoulder to see Tiffany finally went to sleep he looked at the wall clock to see that it was 6:00 o'clock Carlise contacted the house saying he was on his way Emmett just wished he would hurry up he wanted to make sure Tiffany was okay she was shaking in her sleep making whining noises "Are you excited for the wedding" Alice asked Emmett smiled and said "Yeah I cant wait what are the colors" "I picked red and white but Tiffany said she wanted royal blue and white with blue roses and braids maid wear royal blue" she said Emmett smiled he couldn't wait to see Tiffany walk down the aisle "Who's walking her down the aisle" he asked "It's either between Edward and Carlise the two men in the house she's close to"she said smiling at the thought of the wedding then she had a vision it was crystal clear it was Emmett and Tiffany looking over two baby cribs then sifted to the wedding and she saw Tiffany's power "What was it" Bella asked as Alice got out her trance "It was Tiffany walking down the aisle with Carlise then Emmett and Tiffany looking over a baby crib and Tiffany's power" she said in shocked from seeing Tiffany in her vision Emmett just smiled at the thought of him being a parent

Tiffany groaned when she woke up she looked around to see she was the only one in the house by how quite it was in the house "Emmett" she weakly yelled she sighed when she got no answer she got up and wobbled to the bathroom once done with her business she washed her hands and went in the living room to wait for some one to come she looked at the clock on the wall that said it was midnight she sat there for a good twenty minutes until the family walked through the door the first one was Rosalie who smiled Tiffany's way with a mug of blood Tiffany got up feeling a sharp pain in her stomach but let it go and walked to Rosalie to get the mug "Thanks" she said "Anytime" Rosalie said smiling walking up stairs she took a sip of the warm thick liquid she notice everyone came in the house except Emmett she went outside to see him sitting on the porch step Tiffany smiled and sat down next to him and laid her head on his shoulder he pulled her closer to him "I still want to baby tonight it hurts too much" she said lowly "are you sure" he said getting up she nodded Emmett swiftly picked her up and sat her on the ground she slowly wobbled back in the house with Emmett behind her holding her waist she she wont fall or nothing he moved his hand up so he was touching her stomach he felt a hard kick that made Tiffany grunt in pain Emmett rushed to the living room so he could help Tiffany from this pain

Emmett told Carlise that Tiffany wanted the baby tonight and that the kicks were really powerful Carlise rushed to get Tiffany in his office to deliver the baby Alice was in there to help Emmett was by Tiffany side as Carlise sat everything "Im going to give Tiffany a dose of morphine and when that kicks in we will do the c-section" Carlise said injecting the Morphine in the medicine bag

Emmett took a deep breath knowing this will be the end for a new beginning
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Srry if itz short...But thanks for reading