Status: completed.

This Wreck That You Call Your Life

I'll Give You Tough

Chase shook her head at her father, "Is there anything else?"

He looked at her bags then at her face, he held his hand out, "Give me your car keys, I want you to ask for permission before you leave; just so this doesn't happen again, you'll regain the privilege when I trust you."

"I'm an adult," she argued keeping her keyring on her finger as she clutched the keys in the palm of her hand, "I can come and go as I please."

"Then pay rent, that's what adults do; but oh, wait, you lost your job."

"That's mature," she sneered.

"Look, this is my house, so these are my rules. I didn't lay them out to you, because I didn't see it needed, but now I do since you ran off. Give me your god damn keys or leave my house right now."

Chase dropped the keys in the palm of his hand, her face red in anger, since she didn't see his point. She watched him leave her doorway, she slammed the door in his place and locked it; she stripped down like she was planning to do several minutes before and grabbed a towel from the shelf in her wall, she needed to cool off.

She took her time washing down, once she finished she threw on baggy clothes, climbing into her bed and snuggling up with Peu's plushie.


Ace was sitting next to Alex, one the couch, keeping Alex from sleep, since it was three am. The two weren't able to sleep yet though, they had their cell phones sitting next to the house phone, as they waited for an important call. Chase hadn't checked in, since she was so fumed about her father she had forgot to, leaving the boys completely worried about her safety.

Alex scratched his face with his free hand, "How much longer should we wait to call her?"

"We shouldn't call her."

"What if someone took her, hmm Ace? No one would know to look for her, her father would think she stayed here."

"Shut up, don't think like that. And if someone did take her, they would have taken her phone from her. Before you say it, we wouldn't know just because she didn't answer, maybe her phone died?"

"Jasen," the younger boy stated simply.

"He wouldn't have followed her, he's not that smart."

"He was lurking around her the other day, dad said. He's worried that Jasen has something planned."

"Can we not get overly dramatic? I'm going to go to bed, I'll let you know if she calls my cell, call me if she calls you."

"Night," Alex said attempting to lay down, his brother ended up helping him.


Alex woke up to the sound of commotion in the living room, he looked at the doorway, when he spotted Jasen, he forced himself to sit up quickly. He attempted to stand up, but fell backwards in pain from putting weight on his broken leg. He sat there, his arms crossed as he waited for someone to notice him.

"Just let me in, I know Chase is here, I want to apologize to her," Jasen said to Ace, a coy smile on his face.

"She isn't here, she wouldn't want your apology anyone. Go to the graveyard, apologize to my dead brother," the older boy slammed the front door and turned to see Alex staring at him, "He won't give up, he keeps knocking."

"Does he seriously think she's here, or does he enjoy harassing us?"

"No idea," Ace said walking away from the door, ignoring the doorbell as it chimed, "did she call you?"

He shook his head, "No, I'm worried."

"I am too, but she's strong; she'd find away to contact someone if she was in trouble. At least that ass showing up ends your ideas that he followed her."

"Fine," Alex said scratching his head, "can you make me breakfast?"

"Sure," the older boy said smiling and leaving the room to do as he agreed. He returned with the food and placed it on the coffee table, "Can I do anything else for you?"

"I need a shower, but that would just be way too awkward."

"I'll go ask mom-"

"Hell no!" Alex yelled, "I rather sit here in stench."
♠ ♠ ♠
So today my teacher used the word hedonistic and the way that she described it reminded me of how everyone loves to portray Alexander - someone who parties, drinks alcohol, and has no regard for others, the actual definition is there if you click the word.

Good new for those who have a tumblr, I now have a page for my writing, so you'll get sneak peeks and stuff like that; click here.