Status: completed.

This Wreck That You Call Your Life

Like a Match to Gasoline

Alex threw the remote down in annoyance when the doorbell rang in the middle of his channel surfing. He was the only one home, and he knew that everyone else had the house key. The boy looked from his wheelchair to the front door, wondering if he should even bother to tell Jasen to go away. He leaned forward and picked the remote back up, he wasn't worth the effort.


Ace pulled into his driveway, almost immediately noticing the slumped over girl on his porch. He could easily see the filth on her from inside the car, slowly he turned the engine off and approached her. She looked up at the sound of feet shuffling, Ace got to his knees and grabbed her shoulders.

"Chase, oh my god, what the hell happened to you?"

She shook her head, "Can you drive me to the hospital?" her voice was soft, "I couldn't get there, I'm too weak."

"Let me tell Alex."

"He's home?" she asked furrowing his brows.

"He probably thought it was Jasen, that guy stops by here every day asking for you."

Chase's lipped quivered as she looked up at her friend with wide eyes.

"He did this, didn't he?"

She nodded.

"He's going to pay, don't you worry about that."

Ace grabbed her by her waist and pulled her into his chest, once she was standing up he bent to put his arm under her legs. He carried her to the car and placed her down gently on the back seat, he held up his finger to motion for her to wait as he ran into the house.

"Alex, learn to answer the door."


"Chase is all bloody and covered in mud, she was the one knocking!"

Alex got into his wheelchair, wheeling toward the door to look outside, "What happened?"

"I don't know, I'm taking her to the hospital, I'll come back to pick you up if she's staying over night. I just wanted to let you know in case mom and dad get home before me."

The younger boy nodded, staring out at the car with his lower lip jutted, "She doesn't deserve any of this."

"Neither do you," Ace said placing a hand on his brother's shoulder, "I'll call you when I know whats going on."

He rushed back out to the car and got in, he turned on the engine and backed out of the driveway. He stared at Chase through the mirror, watching as she continued to lean forward, clutching her knees. He cleared his throat and turned onto a main road.

"So what did he do?"

She didn't even bother to look up, "Drove me out to the forest and raped me."

"Why did you go with him?"

"I was driving to your house, my dad kicked me out. Jasen just walked into the middle of the damn road - I can't run him over so I stop. Stupid me didn't think to lock the car doors, he got in... you know the rest."

"You walked all that?"

"I savor my life as crappy as it is," she muttered looking up, "you know I never give up," she offered a smile before leaning back against the seat.

"I just love how you're being so nonchalant."

"Do you want me to freak out Ace, have a complete melt down so you can hold me in your arms and tell me that I'll be okay? I'm done with that, I don't do that anymore. Life doesn't treat me well, I'm done acting like a five year old little girl about it."

He remained silent as he pulled into a parking spot, he shut the car off and brought her into the hospital.


Alex looked up from the sandwich his mother was making him eat when he heard the front door opening. He watched his brother walk in, a girl leaning against his frame as they walked. He knew that it was Chase, but he couldn't believe it; she was wearing an expression he had never seen on her face, and the vibe he was getting wasn't a good one.

Ace sat Chase down next to Alex, "I'll get you some food and a drink, you can get a shower and get some rest after that."

She nodded, still keeping her eyes of the boy besides her. When Alex grabbed her hand and laced his fingers with her's, she slowly turned her face to look at his. Her lips shook like they were attempting a smile but her mood wasn't allowing it.

"Can I do anything to help?" he asked her softly.

"Go back to the day when you realized that popularity was more important than me, and don't pick Jehnie."

He let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around her, he kissed the top of her head, disregarding the dirt in her hair, "You know that I would if that was possible."

"No I don't," she replied pulling away from him, "I think you would enjoy her sexual acts and then breakup with her a couple days before she pulled that stunt."

"Well you're wrong," Alex said as he brother walked into the room, "you're dead wrong."