Status: Im sorry I havent updated in what a few years? If you're still reading this thanks for your patience. And to my little sister Amanda, are you happy? haha


Chapter 4

She smiled when I walked up to her.
“Hey.” I said casually, trying to keep the excitement out of my voice.
“Hello.” Mandy said and smiled at me.
I put my stuff on the table and Mandy and I went to get our lunch. By the time we got back everyone who usually sits at my table was there. Lindsay was being quiet, which was unusual for her, most of the time you couldn't get her to shut her mouth
Josh, who was sitting next to me leaned in really close to my ear and whispered,
“So I'm guessing things with her went okay?”
He looked in Mandy's direction.
“Yeah, just remind me to kick your ass for telling her where my spot is.” I said trying to sound stern but I couldn't help but smile.
“Tonight you have to tell me what all happen, every detail.” Josh smiled.
He was always so nosy.
The rest of that day went by pretty fast. I wasn't really sure how to act around Mandy. I know she was my friend but at the same time I couldn't help to daydream about a fairy tale ending, silly as it was.
Once I finally got home I told my mom 'hey' and I walked up the stairs to my room, taking them by twos. When I got to the end of the hallway my phone went off. It said the number but it didn't look familiar at all.
“Hello?” I answered unsure.
“Hey! I hope you don't mind I got your number from one of your friends.” It was a voice I'd recognize anywhere. That sweet melody of Mandy.
I smiled into the phone,
“Nope. I don't mind at all. Let me guess, Josh right?”
Mandy laughed,
“Nope. That one that kept looking at me weird, I think her name was Lindsay.”
“Ah. Don't pay any attention to her. She's just a bitch who needs to wake up and realize the world does not revolve around her.” I rolled my eyes and tried to keep my annoyance at bay.
Lindsay better not fuck this up for me.
“Oh. Well, okay. What are you up to?” She asked her voice lost all playfulness it had to it just moments before.
“I actually just got home. Just walked into my room when you called.” I said as I plopped down on my nice comfortable big bed.
“Oh, I'm sorry. Well, I basically called you for two reason. One to make sure this is actually your number, and two to ask if you wanted to go to a party this weekend. One of my friends' parents are going to be out of town this weekend. She's throwing this like, huge ass thing and said to get as many people as possible to come. So, are you in?” Mandy asked.
How could I not be in and let her down, although I'm not sure what she's like around her friends and she completely ignores me. Oh well, I guess there will be plenty of people to talk to.
“I'm in. Do I just wear whatever?” I asked so not wanting to look like a complete stupid ass in front of her friends.
“Well, a bathing suit if you have one.”
I thought about it for a minute,
“Um, I think I have a pair of swimming trunks I can fish out and see if they still fit.”
I could hear her smiling,
“Okay, you do that. I'm going to let you go so you can be a good little girl and do your homework.”
“Yes, Mommy. I'll do my homework I promise.” I laughed.
We said out 'goodbyes' and hung up, and like I promised I started my homework. I didn't get as far as I would of liked. My mind kept drifting off to Mandy's perfect body in a bikini. Drool fucking city right there. That thought put a very happy smile on my face and right then, just like it was bound to happen my mother called me into the living room for dinner.
I got downstairs and grabbed the plates she was holding while trying, very badly, to multitask.
“I see you don't look so dead today.” Mom said as soon as she looked up to see me.
I smiled,
“Nope, but it's in there somewhere.”
“What's in where?” A confused expression came across my moms face.
Oh how I loved to confuse her.
“Death, the clothes, the attitude, all there just waiting for a moment to really act it out. When you least expect it and I'll just WAMM drop it on you like.... something you would drop on someone.” I laughed at the even more confused look that was appearing on her face.
Dinner was simple, seeing as it's just mom and I. No brothers or sisters and dad was according to my mom a douche bag so I never really asked questions, or cared to for that matter.
When bedtime came I was basically just looking forward to the process of falling asleep more then I was the sleep, you know the little scenarios that pop in your head? So when that time came I was ready to get in my bed and have very cheesy thoughts about Mandy that I would die if anyone heard.
I got warm and comfortable in my bed and started thinking, when have a ever been like this over anyone? This was not my normal way of acting, it's like I was, dare I say it, falling in love with this girl. But how was that even possible if I barley know her?
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R&R. Any better at changing the tenses yet? Been tryin to work on that...