Status: finished : )

Too Much

Just stay away from him

[ Jasey Rae ]

I sighed as I rested against the counter, staring out into space I day dreamed. Work was especially slow today and Alex was busy speedily texting. His constant presence was starting to wear me down. Yesterday had been a big reminder as to why I tried my best to avoid him. I’d loved him so passionately and yet he’d hurt me so badly.

“Jasey?” I shifted so my head was tilted toward the register. There he stood; the same forlorn expression that was on my face was on his.

“Yeah, Alex?” I pushed away from the counter as I stumbled over to him. His eyes brightened for a second before returning to his dull gaze.

“Why won’t you go to dinner with me?” He laced his fingers together as his chin rested on them. Alex Gaskarth had the best puppy pout face known to man. I had to look down at my chipped finger nail polish to keep my composure.

“Because we are not a couple, nor will we ever be again.” I muttered and lightly drummed my right hand on the counter. My body was just as exhausted as my mind. There had been no chance of sleep last night with all the reminiscing my mind decided to do. It was like reliving every kiss and touch, and then reliving every tear and heartache.

“What about as friends?” He suggested desperately. I snorted and rested my head down on the counter, knowing full well Alex was probably looking down my backside since I was hunched over.

“Alex, you and I both know your intentions are never with the phrase ‘just friends’.” I stared at the side of the register, tracing a small heart on the glace with my right pointer finger. “Especially when it comes to me,” I heaved a sigh, hating that I sounded conceited, but it was the truth.

“Jasey, I just want you in my life again.” The desperation in his voice would have put a crack in my heart if I cared about him like that. Which, of course, I didn’t. “I miss you dreadfully.” He whispered as his warm hand settled on top of mine. I raised my head so that I could look him in the eyes. Bad decision. His chocolate eyes were just as warm as his hands that were cradling my cold one.

I bit my bottom lip. “I’m still not going out to dinner with you. It’s too romantic.” I hated myself for adding that. It sparked hope in his soft eyes.

“Come watch a movie with me, tonight, at my house.” I raised my eyebrows at the new invitation and he immediately held both hands up in defense. “I promise I won’t try anything. It’s just two friends hanging out together and watching a flick. Me and Jack do it all the time. I’ll even let you pick out the movie.” I giggled a bit as he mentioned Jack. When you watch a movie with Jack, you have to be completely willing to not actually watch the movie. “Can I take that as a yes?”

I think it was his crooked smile mixed with those damn puppy eyes that made me give me. “Yes,” I mumbled lowly so that maybe he wouldn’t hear. But he did. His cute crooked smile widened as a dimple became apparent on his left cheek, melting me in seconds.

“Alright, then,” he quickly changed to a worried expression. “Now I’ve got to go home and pick up a bit. Do you want me to come by to pick you up after your shift?” The excitement and elation in his voice made a smile tug at the corners of my mouth.

“No, thanks.” He dimmed, probably thinking I was turning him down finally. “I’m going to go home first so that I can shower and change. I’ll get Jewels to give me directions, or Jack if all else fails.”

“Okay, I’ll see you around six-ish then?” He beamed and slowly took backward steps toward the door.

“Yep,” I nodded and giggled as he ran into the door with a goofy grin plastered to his face.

“You’re not going to stand me up, right?” He tried to laugh the question off, but I could detect the actual concern behind it.

“Promise,” I nodded and smiled as he shoved his weight against the door to open it. Of course the smile quickly vanished as he ran into someone that was trying to enter the store. I held my breath as the two boys stared down each other. Alex was the first to break it, thankfully before punches were thrown. He waved at me briefly before jogging off down the sidewalk.

“What the fuck did he want?” Damon grunted as his blue eyes turned dark. The constant battle between Alex and Damon was starting to get on my nerves, though Alex seemed to be letting it go piece by piece.

“He just came for coffee, like most customers do.” I lied and I felt terrible for it, but there was no way I was about to tell Damon about my plans for after work.

“How come he didn’t leave with coffee then?” Damon accused as he crossed his arms over his chest. His usually kind eyes were glaring at me.

“Because he drank it all before he left, now can we drop this Damon?” My hands rested on my hips as I tilted my head. Strange how I went from fighting to laughing with Alex and laughing to fighting with Damon. It was like the world spun backwards for a day.

“Don’t be mad at me, Jase,” Damon frowned as his anger filled stance broke and he stepped toward me. “You know I’m just worried about you.” He whispered and pulled me into a tight hug.

“I’m a big girl, Dam. You don’t have to protect me.” I reluctantly hugged him back as my head laid on his chest. The fact that he was trying to protect me was bad news. I had expected his strange behavior yesterday since Alex had been here, but now with him gone Damon had no right to be possessive over me.

“He’s hurt you before Jasey. What makes you think this time is different?” His question hurt my feelings, mostly because it scared me. I didn’t want to answer it, or even think about it. I squeezed my eyes shut and gripped at Damon’s back. “He just likes to play with you. That’s all he’s been doing this whole time.”

“Maybe your right,” I sigh and pull out of his embrace as the front door jingles with another customer’s entrance.

“I know I am.” Damon said sternly as he went to grab an apron and clock in. I greeted the customer and I was starting her coffee when Damon came up and placed a sweet kiss on my cheek. “Just stay away from him.” He murmured against my cheek. It was great advice, if I could ever listen to it.
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I love this story : )