Status: finished : )

Too Much

This is lame ass

[ Alex Gaskarth ]

“Everything is set, right guys?” Matt asked for the thirtieth time in the past hour. I rolled my eyes and watched as the rest of the guys did the same.

“Will you fucking chill, dude?” Delicious sighed and leaned back against the couch, which led to Matt getting up and pacing.

“After one last check through; do we have food?” Matt pointed off with one finger and I pulled my iPhone out to play with.

“Pizza will be arriving around nine or so, when the party starts hard.” Zack answered and rested his head against the back of the couch.

“Music?” Matt pointed off two fingers while Jack strolled in from the kitchen with a huge cartoon of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and shovel for a spoon.

“Got it covered man.” Jack held up his spoon as ice cream dripped from it onto the carpet. I grinned slyly as Jack smoothly placed his foot on top of the spill as Matt’s back was turned to him at the moment.

“What kind of music?” Matt turned slowly and just about everyone held their breath. Jack was known for his experimental nights where he'd put some country song in the middle of a techno tape for a party.

"Just regular, boring, dance mix stuff." Jack shrugged and crammed a huge spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. I briefly wondered how he didn't get an instant brain freeze from it.

"Good, now what about alcohol?" Matt was on his third finger when Jack gasped dramatically.

"My baby sister is going to be here tonight!" Jack stomped his left foot, the one covering the stain, and set the spoon down in the ice cream tub as he pointed accusingly at Matt. My ears perked up at the mere mention of Jewels, because usually closely followed by Jewels was Jasey.

"And what, you don't think she drinks?" Rian chuckled at Jack's overprotective older brother instincts kicked in. It was a little more than humorous to see the hyperactive five year old act like a body guard.

"We were drinking at her age." Zack cut in and Jack narrowed his glance at him. I went back to toying with my iPhone, thoughts of Jasey playing loosely around my mind.

"We were boys, teenage boys. Jewels is a tiny girl who can not defend herself!" Jack cried in desperation. I muffled my laughter under my breath as I recalled the time Jewels kneed some jerk off in the balls after he hit on her and Jasey.

"Jewels can take care of herself pretty well." Matt muttered but held his hands up in defense as Jack's eyes widened with horror. "I'll go pick up some regular soda pop for Jewels and any other little girls who aren't allowed to drink." He rolled his eyes as he picked up his keys from the coffee table and headed for the door.

"I'll come with you." Zack stood up and grabbed a shirt from the couch. "I need to pick up something for," his words slowly stopped and everyone turned to him as he stood frozen with the shirt in his hand, "tonight." He finished and looked around like everyone was staring at him for no reason.

"Right." I muttered and scanned through my latest texts. There were a bunch from Casey, the number one fan in the Alex Gaskarth club, and a few from the guys. "So," I started once the front door slammed shut. The curiosity was burning on my tongue and I wasn't so sure if I could hold it back any longer. "Is Jewels bringing Jasey along?" The name was like fire in my mouth and the rest of the guys groaned.

"If you don't shut up about her, I'm going to castrate you and feed your balls to my dog!" Delicious yelled and I was taken aback a bit. Jasey was a pretty common topic for me, one that I never tired of, but the rest of the guys apparently did.

"You don't have a dog." I stated as Jack came and sat on the couch beside Delicious.

"I was mimicking Story Of The Year, douche." Delicious mindlessly grabbed the remote and started flipping through the channels. "But seriously, I don't even know the girl and you drive me crazy with your endless banter about how amazing she is." He sighed and I pretended to not hear, or at least not care too much. Instead, I pulled up a new message and sent it to Jack.

To JAGK: she coming?

I sat in perfect stillness as we all listened to Jack's phone go off in the kitchen. He cursed and ran to the kitchen with his tub of ice cream while the rest of the room returned to silence.

From JAGK:
Jewel said she'd try, but no promises; and for the record this is lame ass

I rolled my eyes at his response and got up from the recliner as he came back into the room.

"Where you going, brah?" Rian asked as I strode for the stairs, heading for the guest room where my bags were still sitting. I hadn't bothered to take them home just yet.

"To get ready for the party." I smirked and winked at him as I hopped up the stairs two at a time. Before I jumped in the shower, I sent one more message out.

To Jewels:
i'll switch Zack for Jasey ;)

I chuckled as I could already see Jewels cheeks blushing bright red from the text. There was definitely something between Jewels and Zack, and only Jack was oblivious to it. The excitement of the night ahead of me was pumping through my veins as I stepped into the guest bathroom.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so excited for this : ) it feels amazing to share it with you guys; I hope you all are enjoying it as much as I do; I think my favorite point of views are Alex's though; and btw, the chapters alternate between the two of them;

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