Status: finished : )

Too Much

Give it a try

[ Alex Gaskarth ]

I frowned as I watched her run from me. It seemed like no matter how hard I tried, she always slipped through my fingers. I just couldn’t keep myself from screwing up when it came to Jasey. After a few minutes of self pity, I headed back to the kitchen. There was Rian and Jewels, sitting at the table, and Jack standing against the counter.

“Morning,” I mumbled and sat down across from Jewels. I rested my head face down on the table while I rubbed my temples lightly. Drinking had been the worst idea last night.

“So, my birthday is next week.” I didn’t understand how Jewels could sound so damn perky in the morning, but then I figured she probably didn’t drink last night. Too busy flirting with Zack and running form Jack to actually sit down and drink.

“If this is your smooth way of getting us to tell you what your present is, you’re screwed.” Jack snorted over his shoulder and turned back to the counter, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

“Shut up Jack.” Jewels flicked my head for some reason so I raised it to ask her why, course she kept talking before I could. “I was talking to you so pay attention.” My eyebrows scrunched together while I leaned my head in my hand. “Next week is my birthday and I would like you to come.”

“You’re like my own little sister Jewels; of course I’ll be there.” I didn’t understand why she was staring at me so hard, but I tried to reassure her that I wasn’t a complete ass. In fact I only seemed to be a real ass when I got around Jasey. Then I made an ass of myself.

“That’s sweet and all, but you know Jasey’s going to be there.” It clicked in my head as to why she was glaring at me. “I want you to try to get along with her.” This completely bewildered me. “And I mean really try, not this half-ass shit you’ve been pulling.”

“Half-ass?” I repeated as I leaned forward. How could she be calling my attempts to win Jasey back half-ass? It was ludicrous.

“Yeah, you know the way you’re really sweet to her but as soon as she tries to get real emotions from you, you fucking freak and do something stupid.” Jewels was yelling by now, even though we were only a foot apart, and my head was pounding. Rian and Jack were dead silent and still, too afraid to say a thing in the argument. I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms while Jewels took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Look, just stay sweet and when she tries to get a rise out of you, let it out.”

“I doubt letting out my frustration on her is going to do anything other than make things worse.” I sighed and rested my hands on the table.

“Just promise me you’ll try.” Jewels reached over and squeezed both my hands in hers.

“I can’t promise anything.” I shook my head regretfully and stood up. “I’ve been chasing Jasey for three years and I don’t see how anything’s going to change this time.” Jewels retracted her hands with a sullen nod while I left the kitchen, heading back up stairs to grab my things before I went home.

Jewels suggestion repeated in my head over and over the whole time. I guessed I could give it a try.

In the end, I’d do anything for Jasey.
♠ ♠ ♠
it's short; and I don't have much to say;

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