Status: finished : )

Too Much

Nice going Gaskarth

[ Alex Gaskarth ]

There was a triumphant smile that I couldn’t shake off as I stared at Jasey. So I hadn’t taken Jewels full advice, but what I did worked. She wasn’t yelling or throwing things at me. Instead, she sat and ate, making light conversation. The conversation was a bit boring, but it was a huge step for us.

And to think, all I had to do was not let her see me be irked by the things she said. I almost lost it when she mentioned the incident that started this whole nonsense, but I quickly brought it back to calm status. She did seem uncomfortable though, which bothered me. Every now and then she’d glance down the table toward the jack ass from last night. I learned his name was Damon, and he was, in fact, her boss. He was also about three years older than her.

“Bye Jasey!” Jewels yelled as she came to stand beside me. Jasey waved over her shoulder before she turned back around, leaning into Damon’s side as they walked out. I bit my bottom lip as he bent down and whispered something in her ear. I tried to ignore the burning jealousy and instead, stared at Jasey. She looked amazing. It was clear that she was wearing something from Jewels closet, and that she was uncomfortable, but damn she looked good. “Nice going Gaskarth,” Jewels muttered as she elbowed me in the side.

“What’d I do now?” I asked incredulously. I was slightly irritated that she’d taken my attention away from Jasey, but I was a bit more worried that I’d done something wrong.

Jewels laughed and shook her head. “I really mean you did a nice job. A whole afternoon without yells and kicks between you two.” I sighed with relief and crossed my arms over my chest. “It’s quite amazing. I think even our parents are impressed.”

“It was a bit hard.” I admitted and tried to get a last glance at Jasey, but she was already gone.

“I can imagine, but I figured splitting her and Damon up would help a little.” Jewels shrugged.

“And making sure Jack was as far away as possible from you and Zack, eh?” I smirked as she blushed and refused to make eye contact with me. “It’s alright Jewels, we all know you two are crazy about each other.” Her eyes widened like saucers while I chuckled. “Except Jack,” I added and watched as she calmed down a bit.

“Thank god,” she muttered under her breath and quickly glanced over her shoulder at her brother. “So, have you revised your plans for catching Jasey?” I chuckled at her subtle subject change.

“Somewhat,” I shrugged as she rolled her eyes and elbowed me again.

“I gave you everything you need to get her back,” Jewels shook her head and sighed. “It just depends on whether you listen to me or not.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be telling me to stay away from Jasey?” I arched an eyebrow at her and gave her an odd look. “I mean, you are her best friend and all. Surely she’s told you how much she loathes me.”

“Course she has.” Jewels smiled brightly as she started to walk off toward the house. “But there’s no denying how perfect you two are for each other.” I took in her words while a smirk slowly curved its way onto my face and I took off after her.

“Does that mean you’ll help me with my plans?” I held open the back door open for her while she simply shrugged.

“I told you I’ve already given you the advice. You only have to listen and do as I say.” Jewel winked before she skipped off to the Barakat’s front room. I stood in the kitchen for a few more minutes, just pondering.

Jewels wanted me to ‘show my emotions’ to Jasey but that did not sound like a working plan. Instead, my smooth, suave moves seemed to work much better, as long as I kept my temper under control.
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