Status: Just started .

Crystal Vision


The mirror reflected someone whom I didn’t know; whom I’ve never met. Who was she? Where did she come from? What made her life so miserable?
I said these things in my head, where no one else could hear. I might be sounding cliché, but my head was the only place I could be happy.

“Kyrah!?” he roared as the door slammed open. Wind and rain came bustling in, and the figure in the doorway stood soaked to the bone. “KYRAH!”

I just peeked around the corner and slowly made my way down the front stairs. “Wheres your car?” I said, as calm as I could.

“Dunno,” he sniffled, “I think its back at the-uh…”

“Youre drunk.”

“Well, maybe,”

“You promised you wouldn’t do this again!” I unconsciously began raising my voice, “Remember what you promised!”

“I always promise those things, sweetie,” he hissed, “When will you learn?

Engulfed in my own words, I turned around and walked back upstairs; The man I hated to call Husband had me on the hardwood before I could breathe properly. “Don’t you turn your back on me! Worthless bitch!”

“I hate you!” I screamed and yelled at the top of my lungs, hoping that there was some chance he would let me go; My fears had flourished, and my hopes were crushed. He pulled a sharp metal blade on me and held it to my neck, whispering things into my ear. Things I always hated to hear. He smelled of sweat, perfume and alcohol.

Dragging me to the bedroom, he preformed malicious acts of sexual cruelty. Blood seeped from me, as I had no choice but to succumb to his strength.

White ribbons and balloons streamed the park outside; The sun shone and the birds sang. This was the day I was about to wed to my life

“You like that sweetie?” I cried continuously, asking for mercy.

We danced and sang, and the moment I looked into his eyes, I said, ‘I do.’
♠ ♠ ♠
I had this awesome idea that a friend of mine helped me come up with. *is all excited*

comments? It will get better!!