Status: Just started .

Crystal Vision

Chapter One

It has been 4 years since my husbands’ fatal death; Needless to say, I was overjoyed. It was about time he’d drink himself to death. It would have been good enough to throw his body parts in the cigar containers that he left behind and bury them, but my mother, who had been absolutely blind to everything, decided upon a proper burial. My life has rebounded slowly, but at least I was free from the psychotic torture.

The downtown streets were full of nutcases and the homeless alike, and in the cold weather, I felt conscious pity for them. January was a brutal time of year, especially in Canada. I never did realize how good it was to have the four seasons, as opposed to places that consisted of only summer or winter too.
The bar wasn’t my usual hangout spot, but I decided that after getting fired from my job at a coffee joint for ‘slacking off’, it would be a good place to let myself unwind.
As soon as I stepped foot in the building, I noticed the atmosphere was even as dull and depressing as the weather outside, but it was warmer, nevertheless.

“Don’t I know you from somewhere?” An overweight man turned towards me, 2 stools to my left. I tried to be as polite as possible.

“I don’t believe so.” I answered.

“Isn’t your name Jamie?”

“No.” I turned foreword and focused on my drink. I noticed him getting up and immediately went tense. I thought about my self defense moves that I learnt when I was 13, and where to kick him if necessary. He put his hand on my shoulder.

“C’mon sweetheart-

I twisted my body and gave him a good swift elbow in the nose; he lumbered backwards, clutching his face. “The bitch broke my nose!”

“He grabbed me!” I exclaimed. He went as infuriated as a bull and charged towards me, but he was intercepted by a kick from his left side.
A man, maybe in his mid 20’s, was standing in a ‘ready-to-kick-ass’ pose, with his hand fisted up in front of him.

I turned towards the bartender, “You got insurance on this place?”

“Um, no…” he looked as shocked and worried as I did, staring at the escalating fight In front of him.

I shrugged my shoulders, “Too bad…”

The man was identical to Jackie-Chan; His moves were swift, but they caused severe damage. In about 3 minutes, he had him on the floor.

“Anyone else got a problem?” he made no effort in making himself utterly intimidating. After a few seconds of deathly silence, he then turned away and walked out the door. I could not believe what the hell just happened in front of me.


“Hey!” I called out to the shadow at the end of the block. I shivered as I ran towards him. “Hey, wait up!”

He finally quit walking and waited for me to catch up, “What.” He asked.

“I just wanted to thank you for what you did back there. It was absolutely amazing-

“You done?” he asked, clearly annoyed. What was this guy’s problem?

“Um, sure, well-

“Then go. It’s not exactly the best place to be at 11 at night. Especially for someone like you.” There was no stopping him this time. As he turned the corner, he was gone.
“But,” I whispered to myself, “I didn’t even get your name.”

That night I dreamed of the mystery man, and caught myself wondering if I’d ever see him again.
♠ ♠ ♠
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