Status: Just started .

Crystal Vision

Chapter Two

I woke to the ringing on my bedside table. 8:32 am. It kept ringing and so I began to think that maybe it was urgent, and so I picked up without bothering with the number. A young voice on the other end, one that I haven’t heard in months, replied.

“Who’s th-” then I remembered. It locked into place. The voice- the tone. “Kadence.” I said in just plain monotone.

“Kyrah,” his voice was sober and calm, “Just hear me out,”

“No.” I said as stern as I could, hanging up the phone. The marriage with him went completely haywire, beginning with the lying; The last thing I needed was to be dragged back to where I was a month ago.

After showering and applying the little daily make-up, I decided to meet my best friend at the Starbucks a couple blocks from my now empty house; I couldn’t stop thinking about him. The mystery man.
The little I remembered about him, he was tall and lean. His face was blurred from the darkness of the bar, but I could still remember his voice.

“Tell me everything,” My friend, Janice forced, “And I mean every little stinkin’ detail!”

The coffee was hot in my hands, but my face was pinching with the cold from outside. “Theres not much I remember, only that he is a freakin maniac. Did you see that guy afterwards?”

“Well, no,” he said, making herself obvious, “But I do believe you. Could you identify his ethnicity?”

“Well, erm, American? Maybe a little russian…I have no clue.”

“Are you desperate to find him?”

The question caught me in mid-air. Was I some creep that wanted to be in a relationship so bad that I’d stalk the first person I found interesting? “Maybe, wait no…I don’t know.”

“Well,” she implied, sipping her coffee, “from what I gather he is a boxer or wrestler or something of the sort? Maybe he works out in a gym of some sort. There are only a few in this small city, maybe we could track him down that way.”

“You totally make me sound like a stalker.”

“Hey, you asked,” Nodding, I sipped my coffee. “Well?”

I thought for a bit, “Well, ok fine.”

She smiled, “Sweet. After we’re done lets go play welcome wagon with tall, dark and Russian.”
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Lol, 'lets go play welcome wagon with tall, dark and russian.' --> I love that line. It's small , but im rlly not suposed to be at the computa. Updates tomorrow at school!