Status: Just started .

Crystal Vision

Chapter Three

When I got home, I threw my keys across the table and sprawled myself on the couch. I heard the keys hit the floor with a slight ting, and I just groaned in response. 2 hours we spent going across the western part of the city until we hit downtown; then I knew it was no use, he wasn’t coming back.
I stuck names across my forehead, such as superstitious, and a baby, but most of all I was a co-dependant freak.

“You alright, Kyr?” Janice sat on the table and was almost twiddling her thumbs, “Sorry I got you into this,”

I pulled myself off of the couch, “No, it’s alright. Coffee?”

She nodded as I went to the coffee maker, “I never did think we would find him, I’ve only seen the guy, what, twice?”

“True,” her attention darted to the television screen, “Holy- did you see this guy?”

“What?” I practically ran to the living room and was shocked to what I’d found, “That’s him!”

“Huh? I don’t even think there is a face under all that wreckage…” And it was true. The television screen viewed a man on a stretcher, and a public transit bus partially ripped to shreds behind him, and a few others who had nothing more than scratches. “How did he get like that, no one else is critically injured-

“Shh!” I turned up the volume; ‘-ictims of the crash have not yet been identified, and no one was killed. Police say that alcohol was a factor in this crash, and no charges have been laid.’

“That’s brutal.” Janice shook her head, “The garbage truck- atleast I think that’s a garbage truck- plowed right into that bus! From the side! Never mind the front…”

“Yeah…” But I wasn’t listening. I just stared at the body that flashed back at me, almost lifeless.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of short...but I am still trying to figure out how this is gonna all play out. Bear with me!