Blue Tomorrow


All too soon he felt her pulling away. Their lips broke apart and she turned away.


He desperately wanted to call after her, desperately wanted to go after her.

But he didn’t do so.


“I miss you, I miss you.” He whispered as he twirled the coin around in his hand. Will tomorrow be there? He didn’t want tomorrow to come.

For tomorrow meant that she would be away. It meant that he can only dwell on the memories of yesterdays.

Memories of her smiling, her letters, her sweet scent, moment with her in the coffee shop.

Oh but what could he do? Once it’s tomorrow, she’ll be away, their relationship just like a movie reaching an ending. An ending where her voice starts to fade…

“I wanna break up.”

At first he thought she was joking, pulling one of her pranks. They were in the coffee shop, as usual.

“Why?” He had asked, confused and hurt. He held her gaze until she looked away.

“I don’t need a reason to stop loving someone, do I?” She said harshly.

He was afraid to believe what he was hearing. This is just so… Cliché, like something out from a book.

“Babe, are you sure about this? I mean, is there something that you are not telling me?” He said gently.

She hesitated.

Then the story came flowing out.

“I want to lessen the pain.” Was what she had said. He tried to smile, but all that came out was a trembling grimace.

“I don’t…” He never got to finish his sentence when she leaned in and kissed him.

He just stared at his computer screen.

“I don’t want that disease to come between us.” He whispered to the screen.

No no, tomorrow must not come. I don’t want to lay down wishing upon a wishing star alone. I don’t want the predictions to come true.

I just don’t want tomorrow to come.

I’ll wait, for a miracle to happen.

Yet tomorrow did come. And another tomorrow, and another. Years passed by, and he never saw her again, until the day he walked into the coffee shop.

There she is, happily, no trace of the sickness she claimed to have on her. Apparently oblivious to her surroundings, she kissed one another guy.

He stumbled out blindly into his car and sped off.

Tomorrow had never come. His time had stopped during that day so many years ago. Today is the beginning of tomorrow.

The beginning where the movie had ended, and another new movie is about to begin.
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Phew. This was just done for a friend of mine, YAL. It's based on a song she liked. Enjoy!