Status: Short Story

About A Girl

Now That We're Done

It's been 3 weeks, 6 days, 18 hours, 25 minuets and 49 seconds sense John first asked me out.
It's been 2 weeks, 5 days, 14 hours, 37 minutes and 6 seconds sense John asked me too be his girlfriend.
It's been 1 week, 1 day, 10 hours, 9 minutes, and 43 seconds sense he humilated me in front of everyone.
His words still rung in my ears, making it hard to listen to people talk.
His actions still left me I shock making it hard for me to leave my room.
He's face is plastered in my mind, making it impossible to think about anything else.
I thought about how he would pick me up at my house, everytime my best friend, Annie would pick me up for school.
I thought about how he let me choose what movie we saw on our first date, everytime the same movie's tailer came on TV.
I thought about how before I went into my english class, John would kiss me and the vice princeable would yell at us for PDA, when I saw him making out with another girl in the hall.

I dropped my books, my body going still in shock.
Annie, who was walking beside me, moved down to pick up my books and handing them to me.
"Madi, John is many things. A player a an asshole, a dumbass, and many more, but, we won't get into details."
I laughed at my friends words, she was an amazing best friend who always found a way to make me happy by telling insults and jokes.
I smiled, It wasn't quiet a fake smile, but not quiet a genuine one.
But it fooled Annie, it fooled me and most of all it fooled, John, whos eyes I could feel on my back.
Annie pulled me over to my locker where I began opening my backpack, pulling out books and shoving them in my locker.
"That was hard." I say pulling my engilsh book out of my locker.
"The english homework?" Annie asked motioning over to the filled notebook paper.
"No. Walking past him," I say pointing over at John. "Acting like I was happy."
"Wait hold the phone, I thought you were happy." Annie said
I shrugged.
"Kay well your gonna have try harder." Annie said and I looked over my shoulder to see John heading over to us, with the very blond, very plastic, Lisa.
"Hey Madi" He said locking his ocean blue eyes with my dull grass green ones.
"Hey Annie" John said looking over at my best friend.
"Hello John." I say trying to sound polite but it only sounding bitter.
"John" Annie said with the same amount of bitterness, if not more.
"Well I would love to say and have akward chit-chat about how we've been, But let's face it, I know how you've been, you've been sticking your tounge down Lisa's throt, not exactlt something I want to see at nine in the morning, Do you, Annie?" I say getting a strong wave of power to do something that I've been thinking about for a long time in the last week.
"No I do not." Annie says amazed at my corage.
"We have to go to English so.."I say and then push myself past them and into the classroom across the hall.
I moved past people getting to my seat quickly.
"Dude, I am so proud of you." Annie said as she sat down in her seat in front of me.
"Yeah?" I asked
"Yeah, your coming to your senses, That John is some asshole you need to forget."
I laugh at my friend. "I guess your correct."
"Duh I'm correct." She says sticking her hand up.
I chuckle at her meeting her hand for a high five.
Mrs.Foss, our teacher, walked through the door, a tall lanky brown headed boy walking into the classroom behind her.
"Class we have a new student." Mrs. Foss said gesturing over to the boy.
He scanned the classroom and when his chocolatly eyes landing on my grass green ones, he smirked, nodding his head at me.
Mrs. Foss rolled her eyes at him. "Dan, there's a seat beside Madi." Mrs. Foss said gesturing over to me.
I gave him a small wave.
"That a girl" Annie sang in front of me. I turned away from the boy as he began to walk down the isle and to my friend.
"What?" I ask
" 'Dan' " She said using air quotes around his name "is checking you out." she said gesturing over to the boy next to me.
I looked over at him to see that he was infact looking at me.
"Hi" He said shaking his brown hair out of his eyes, "I'm Dan" He says sticking his hand out.
I smirked looking at my friend who was wiggling her eyebrows at me.
"Madi," I say shaking his hand with a lazy grip.
"Nice to meet you." He says
I laugh, maybe too loudly.
"Miss. Teeger would you like to share." Mrs. Foss says from the front of the classroom.
"Mrs. Foss, I'm sorry but I have nothing to share." I say to the teacher, who raises an eyebrow at me "It is Dan that has something share." I say facing him.
He looked over at me, not angry but with a smile on his face.
"Mrs. Foss I would like to go on a date with Madi, here." He said pointing over at me and winking at my expession, which was shock. He was telling this to the intire class
"And I will conteuie to disrupte your class until she says yes." He directs toward Mrs.Foss.
My cheeks burned witha red fire.
"What?" I blurted.
Mrs. Foss rolled her eyes. "For the rest of the class, will you please just say yes." Mrs. Foss said.
Everyone turned to face me, but six sets of eyes burned into me the most.
Annie's amused ones.
Dan's hopefull one.
And Kenny, John's best friend's amazed ones.
I looked over at Kenny and instantly saw John.
"Yes." I blurted out.
"Really?" Dan asked.
"Yeah" I said.
"Well I'm going to continue my class" Mrs. Foss said before going back to her lecture.
I ignored her and doodled on my homework.
The bell rang after I drawn patterns all over the boarder and before I could slip out into the hallway with Annie, Dan joined me by my locker.
"Madi, as you know I'm new to this school." Dan say smiling down at me.
"Yeah" I say looking up into his chocolate eyes.
"Would you mind showing me around?"
I laughed. "Sure."
He gripped my hand, and pulled me down the hall. "Then we better hurry because my next class is on the othe side of the school."
I giggled at him, "How do you know, this is your first day."
He laughed with me.
"I'm begining to like you." He said after we made our way to the 600 hallway.
"Thanks." I say "Cause I am pretty awesome."
He laughed. "See ya at lunch?" Dan asked
"5th period?" I asked
"Yeah" He says after pulling out a piece of paper.
"Then Yeah."
"Cool." He says and then walkes into the class we stood in front of.
I smiled, hoping Dan would be different than John.
The bell rung enterupting my thoughts and forcing me to run to my chemistry class.
When I got home, I felt happy. I fished the key out of my pocket and into the key hole, gently pushing the door to reviel my mom moving happily in the kitchen.
"Hey Mom!" I call.
"Having a good day?" My mother askes moving around the counter and handing me a plate of cookies.
"Yeah and it just got better." I say looking down at the chocolate chip cookies in my hands.
"Does a boy have anything to do with this?" She said wiggling her eyebrows.
"Yes a boy does."
"Oh no, did John pull you back to him?" She says throwing her hand on the counter. "If he did I will call his mother and force him to stay away from you."
"No Mom" I say reassuring her. "It doesn't I actully am over John. I'm going out with this guy Dan tonight."
"Really? That's so great." She says throwing her ams around me.
"I know." I said as she pulled back.
"You know the rules, If he doesn't pay there will be no second date."
"I know I know." I say before the phone rang. "I'll get it." I say moving out of the kitchen and into the living room, leaving my mom back to her cooking.
"Hello?" I say answering the phone.
"Madi It's me John." I hear on the other side of the phone and I almost instantly slamed the phone down but he stopped me.
"Before you hang up on me. I just want to tell you that, I saw you today with Dan, that new kid, I couldn't help but feel Jealous." He says.
"What?" I yell into the phone.
"I was jealous, It was hard for me to watch you flirt with him."
I screamed into the phone, "Your Jealous?" My voice ringing into the phone, I move out into the backyard where I could let my inter anger out. "Well Fuck You! I've watched you everyday for the past 1 week, 1 day, 16 hours, 58 minutes, and 27 seconds making out with other girls so carelessly and your jealous when I just flirt with a guy."
"Wow Madi." He says sounding surprised.
"You know, I hope you have fun skrewing around!" I yell then hang up the phone and run back into the house.
"Sweetie are you okay?" My mother says rushing to my side.
"Yeah, John just called, telling me that he was jealous of Dan. And I totally flipped out on him." I say running a hand through my hair.
"Sweetie it's okay. John was terrible for you."
"I know, I know."
"Just go up and get ready for date. Going out with Dan will make you feel so much better."
"Your right" I say and then move past her and into my room.

For the next 8 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, 46 minutes and 17 seconds I went out with Dan.
We broke up happily not wanting to have a long distance relationship.
I now live in Arizona, going to college with Annie, who started dating a guy named Nick.
Nick was cool. I liked him, but if he every hurt Annie like John hurt me, I will kill him.