Status: Completed

You Can't Be Missed If You Never Go Away

Let Me Go Before You Break My Heart Again

Jack and Steff walked into the club, their fingers laced to keep up their appearance. They approached the bar, sitting on the stools and staring at the bar tender.

"I'll have a beer," Jack said with a smile.

"Me too," she chimed in.

The man walked away and went to get the drinks, her friend looked at her, "You're not old enough."

"No offense, but if I have to get through tonight, I'm going to need some help."

"I get it," he muttered taking the drink and standing up.

"Don't be mad at me Jack, it's just," she shrugged, "I think this came a little too quickly, don't you think? Yeah we pulled off the flirting and kissing, but being at a club is different. Girls are going to be all over you and I have to act jealous, fight to keep your attention."

"We don't have do do this."

"But we do," she said softly putting her lips around the glass and lifting the bottle up.

"You look nice tonight, Jack," Kyra said leaning on him as she placed an order for a drink.

Steff placed a hand on her shoulder, still not used to the platinum blonde being taller then her, "There's this thing called personal space."

"Oh, do you have a problem with me leaning on Jack? You poor thing, it's pathetic since he doesn't even like you."

"I like her," he defended.

"No you don't, you know you don't. I hear you whisper my name when you're sleeping in your bunk," Kyraleigh said taking the glass full of colorful liquid.

The girl walked away, her heels clicking on the floor as she approached Alex; he smiled widely at her and draped his arm over her shoulder, kissing her cheek and continuing to talk to Zack. Jack ruffled his dark hair and looked at the girl next to him, she was staring down at her drink looking upset.

"Am I that unbelievable?" he asked.

She looked up at him, her bright blue eyes looked darker in the dim room, "I don't know, I thought we were doing good."

"Maybe we need to try a new approach?"

"No! I will not-"

"Steff, calm down. I was just going to say that we should trick ourselves into believing that we want each other. Pretend I'm Alex when you're around me, and I'll pretend you're Kyra."

"I do not want to be Kyra," she snapped pulling up her tube top subconsciously, "I want to be out of this mess, I wish I never talked to Alex that day."

He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into his chest, "This is why you don't drink alcohol before you're twenty-one."

"I had like three sips, and I'm only two years away. Look Jack, we need to finish this so I can go back home after tour and not feel like scum."

He took her drink from her and placed it on the bar table, "Do you want to dance?"

"I'm not that great of a dancer."

"So what, we'll have fun. I still do that monkey dance I started in oh-six, so you're covered."

She smiled at him, letting him lead her onto the floor. Steff stood a foot away from him and watched him dance, he took her hand and pulled her closer, placing his hands on her hips trying to help her catch the rhythm. Once Jack was satisfied with her movements, he dropped his hands and started to wave his arms around, making her laugh, just like he was planning.

Kyra played with the straw in her drink, "They didn't say anything when I called them out."

Alex shook his head at his girlfriend, "I thought I said to drop it."

"I don't approve of lairs," she said.

"Coming from the girl who kissed me and acted like nothing happened, like I dreamed up the whole thing? I felt bad, Steff didn't deserve me looking into her face everyday thinking that I cared about her when all I could think about was you."

Kyraleigh ran a hand across his cheek, "But I'm more important; I mean innocent Jack is using her to get back at me."

"We don't know that," he stressed.

She sighed, "Do you want to dance, since you're not going to agree with me?"

He nodded, following her as she made her way towards Steff and Jack; the girl turned to him, with her heels she almost saw eye-to-eye with him. She pulled his body against hers, completely going off beat with the music just to rub herself against him. She tilted her head backwards, letting Alex run his hands over her curves. She was only doing this to see if she could get a reaction from Jack, she may be forward, but she wasn't like that in public.

"She's making me sick to my stomach," Steff said leaning closer to her friend.

"Do we play at this game?" he asked.

"Dirty dancing, no. But," she placed her hands on his face and drawled his face closer to her's, "I'd be willing to use my lips."

Slowly they tilted their faces, pressing their lips against one another's; they weren't used to each other's taste, they weren't used to the other's lips movements - but this newness brought along some desire, some excitement. A couple moments later they pulled apart, their lips swollen and their lungs short of breath; they could sense Alex and Kyra's eyes on them, so they kept their eyes locked.

"The right move right now would to act like we're going to sleep together, not that I expect that from you, I'm just saying."

"I know," she said looking up at him and speaking just as softly, "whatever you say, let's go."
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