Status: Completed

You Can't Be Missed If You Never Go Away

The Times Weren't Right

Alex walked into his house, his eyes narrowed as he disapprovingly looked at his girlfriend. Kyra's expression wasn't helping him much, she read of guilt and worry, which only pushed his worries forward. He sat down on the arm chair, waiting for her to break the silence. She ran a hand through her hair, feeling the softness of her roots where her natural sandy blonde hair was growing in against her bleached hair.

"I guess it's just just best to tell you what's going on and not beat around the bush, huh?"

"Yes it is Kyra, the longer you take, the more suspicious I'm getting. I just can't wrap my mind around any reason why you and Jack would be here alone, you holding his hands and sitting so close to him. I ran into Steff today and could tell something was wrong, I also felt like she wasn't giving me the whole truth."

The girl made a face, "As for Steff, I don't know."

"But you and Jack?"

"Alex," she sighed his name, "when I say this, you have to remember that I love you." She paused while he nodded at her. "I'm pregnant, about three months in."

"I'm going to be a dad?" he asked her.

Kyra didn't say anything, she just waited for him to realize the one minor complication. Due to the look on her face, Alex ran the words over in his head a few times before frowning at her.

"It's Jack's."

"We were in a serious place in our relationship-"

"I can't believe this, I thought I would give you your first child!"

"You did Alex, the baby just didn't make it. Don't make this any harder on me than it already is, I don't need any stress during this pregnancy. Yeah, it's not yours... But you can't make me lose another child."

He stood up and ran a hand over his face, "How is this all going to work?"

"I don't know."

"I don't want to lose you, and he's in a relationship. Will the child know that Jack is the father, or will it not? Will it love me? How will this all pan out? Oh my god, Steff is going to slaughter Jack-"

"Too many questions, and I highly doubt she will."

"You don't know her Kyra."


Jack parked his car by the coffee house just outside of the center of town, knowing that she would always go there when she needed to think. He walked inside and was hit by the calmness that the place held. He approached the counter and smiled at the girl, knowing that Aimee would most likely know.

"Have you seen my girlfriend?"

She shrugged, "I would think that you'd know where she is, if she wanted you to know."

"What did she tell you, Aim?"

"She didn't have to tell me anything, I saw that she was upset and didn't have a problem talking to Alex... So I know he didn't do anything, I'm taking a guess that it was you."

"I need to explain things to her, to fix them."

"Give her time, she probably just needs some time to herself, time to process whatever is going on... She's never one to just jump into things."

"I thought girls never wanted to be left alone when something was wrong?"

"They don't."

"Then what, you've got to help me out here."

Aimee sighed, "Try the park or the docks, I'm not promising you that she is there, but it's worth a shot."

"I'd kiss you, but that would probably be another negative mark."

The girl smiled as he raced out of the coffee shop. Jack didn't bother with his vehicle for the few blocks he needed to cover to get to the park. He looked all around to find his just over five-foot blonde girlfriend, but he wasn't having any luck. With a sigh of defeat, he sat down on one of the benches, covering his face.

Just as he did so, Steff was looking up from one of Kara's dogs. She spotted him easily, causing her to send a weary glance at her friend (who she had spent the last half hour explaining the story to). The brunette nodded her head, taking both of the leashes and walking towards her car.

Steff sat down and placed her hands on her knees, "Looking for somebody?"

Her boyfriend sat straight up and looked at her, as if he couldn't believe that she had approached him. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her as tightly as he could without hurting her, it took her a few minutes to protest.

"You're not mad at me?" Jack whispered.

"I was wrong to get mad at you, it happened before we started dating. It isn't like you two were sneaking around. I have to accept that I'm not the only girl you've ever been with or every will be."

"Will be?"

"You can't possibly be planning on staying with me, Jack. Kyraleigh is the mother of your child, you two need to work things out."

"So you're dumping me."

"I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is: that there is a possibility with all the time you'll be spending together that you two will end up back together."

"I love you, though, Steff."

"Four or five months ago, you were saying the same thing to her."
♠ ♠ ♠
Aimee was having a bit of a writers block, so I wrote a chapter for her. It took me awhile too, because I had no idea where to take this either. I'm still not sure if I like this update or not.