Status: Completed

You Can't Be Missed If You Never Go Away

How do You Want it to Be?

Kyra placed the yellow colored pencil back in the container and ran her fingers over the the row of colors. As she went to pick up the pink pencil, Alex flicked on the light of the room, causing her to close her eyes against the blaring light, since she'd been working with a desk lamp. She didn't bother to turn around at the sound of his feet padding against the hardwood floor, not even a moment later she felt his calloused hands on her shoulder.

"Why don't you get some rest Kyraleigh? It's going to be hard when the baby get's here."

She looked down at her sketch for the maternity line, "She won't let me sleep, she takes up too much space for me to get comfortable. I'll manage."

"At least come lay down."

"Fine," she whispered as she used him to stand up, she placed a hand on her stomach as they walked into the bedroom.

Their hair was almost the same shade since she hadn't been able to bleach it, Alex personally liked her natural look, but he didn't know how to bring it up to her. He helped her sit on the bed, leaning down to kiss her forehead. He stared at her for a moment when she let out a little yelp.

"You alright?"

"She keeps kicking me today, I don't know what she's up to in there."

As Alex knelt down to feel for the kicks, she let out another yelp. He looked up at her with curious eyes, "When is she due again?"

"Like two more weeks."

He didn't speak as he got to his feet, digging through the pile of fresh clothing in the basket at the end of their bed. He pulled on jeans and a tee shirt before handing her a pair of sweats. He started to take things out of the plastic bags by the baby's crib and placing them into the overnight bag.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting us ready for the hospital," Alex put the bag over his shoulder and bent down to help her get her socks on.

"No, I have another two weeks."

"Babies come early, Kyra, it's better to just make sure everything is okay."

She shook her head, allowing her tears to streak her cheeks, "I'm not ready to be a momma, she can wait a couple more weeks."

Laughing he kissed her forehead, "Honey, you are going to do just fine. I am here for you, so is Jack. I bet Steff is even there for you, you're chipping away at that thick wall she's put between the two of you. We'll make it through this together."

"I want to sleep now," she tried again to get out of the situation.

Alex just took her hand and pulled her to her feet, grabbing her cellphone and handing it to her, "Call Jack."

Jack shot up from his sleep at the sound of his cell phone blaring the ring tone he'd set for Kyraleigh. He almost knocked Steff over as she walked back into the small bedroom of their apartment from the bathroom. She spun around, watching him scurry from room to room pulling on random clothing items and collecting the things he would need for a couple days at the hospital. Just as things finally got back to normal with Jack, as they moved in together to help the relationship progress forward, just as her business started to take off... Kyra had to go into labor.

The girls were being more civilized towards each other than anyone imagined they would ever be, but they would never be at the level that Steff had with Kara or Aimee. The blonde was still afraid that the smaller girl would manage to steal Jack from her, even if she protested that she would never leave Alex again.

Steff pulled her A Day to Remember sweats on and as she started to get into her tee shirt, she felt arms wrap around her expose stomach as Jack pulled her into the living room. She struggled to get her shirt over her head as she shoved her feet into already tied converses. He pulled his JAGK hoodie off as he mumbled something about having another one in the car and got her to her feet, taking her out to the car by the wrist.

"She'll be in labor for at least another hour," Steff commented, "so can we like chill for a sec? You didn't give me a chance to fix this mess on my head."

"Kyra or Kara can lend you a comb."

She settled into her seat and pulled the hood over her head as Jack got the other hoodie from the back seat, she closed her eyes and allowed Blink's lyrics to clear her mind. She knew she needed to calm down, but the whole thing only continued to worry her further. Jack and Kyra would be sharing the closest bond possible, while she and Alex were just there on the sidelines, in the way and filling in for the other during an absence.

"I'm never going to leave you," Jack spoke above the music as if reflecting her thoughts, "I love you more than her."

"But you'll always love her," she replied almost with a ghostly tone, "and sorry to break it to you, but Kyraleigh will always love you too. I have a reason to be worried."

He pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and turned to face her, Jack took her chin into his hands and made her look at him. He leaned forward and kissed her as softly as he could before giving her a more forceful one. She smiled at him and climbed out of the car, lacing hr fingers with his as they crossed the blacktop.

After a couple minutes of getting lost in the dull hallways of the hospital, the couple managed to find the elevator that led to the labor ward. They passed a couple doors before finding the waiting room, Alex greeted them with wide red eyes, clearly displaying his lack of sleep and worry.

"They won't let me in."

"I'm sorry."

"You're the father," Alex said with a shrug, "Just be there for her, alright?"

With a nod, the lanky boy walked away, leaving Steff to stand awkwardly next to her ex. Once Jack left the room, she turned around and sat down on the hard plastic chair in the corner of the room. She fished through his pocket and found his iPhone, she plugged the ear buds into her ears and closed her eyes, not in the mood to view other people's joy. She opened her eyes at the feeling of pressure on her hand, she was met by Alex's brown eyes.

"Jack won't leave you," he gripped her hand tighter as she removed her headphones, "I still stand by what I said in the coffee shop... But Kyra could leave me at any time."

"She won't. She already picked you over Jack. I'm just afraid that he'll leave me so he'll have more time to help her out or something."

"I hate this," Alex muttered, "Just promise me that we can get past all of the rocky stuff that is left between us and be there for each other."

"Of course."

He kissed her cheek and leaned back in his seat. They both stared at the door way, waiting for Jack to come running in with the news of the baby girl. They remained silent, not wanting to call any of their friends and allow others to witness them at their weakest point.


Steff pulled on her dress and turned to look at herself in the mirror. She watched Jack's reflection from across the room as he played with his little girl who was almost six months old. She turned around and sat down next to Molly and poked her chipmunk cheeks, the baby looked up at her.

"When are we leaving?"

"As soon as I get dressed," he stood up and kissed her before leaning to kiss the baby, "we need to bring her by my mom's."

"Not to Kyra's?"

"No, they're going out tonight too."

She nodded slowly, usually they went out on different nights so Molly would be with at least one of her parents but she didn't argue. She cooed at the little baby, staring down at the eyes that looked identical to her boyfriend's. Steff picked her up and started to cross the room to the bathroom down the hall.

"What's the occasion?" she asked as she watched Jack button up his tux.

"You'll see."
♠ ♠ ♠
This would have been up an hour earlier if I hadn't accidentally exited out of the tab. Anyway, the next chapter is the final chapter, I want to thank you all for reading, since Aimee will be writing the final chapter you won't be hearing from me :)