Status: Completed

You Can't Be Missed If You Never Go Away

I Can't Forgive, or Forget You

Everyone watched the argument going on between Steff and Alex, knowing that they should just walk away and act like they heard nothing - but face it, that's what tour was all about. Steff shook her head and walked away from the group that was hovering around the merch table, she wasn't going anywhere in particular, she was just getting away from everything.

Kyra rolled her eyes as the other blonde girl stomped off, she continued to lean against Jack's frame as she starred at the confused expression on Alex's face; she couldn't help but smile at the chaos she had created. She composed her expression and stopped leaning against her boyfriend as she hopped onto the merch table, crossing her legs.

"Now that the little freak of a drama queen is gone, what do you guys wanna do later? We're at the venue tonight, everyone's traveling tomorrow, why don't we have a party?"

Kara watched her in amazement, "No."

"Well why not I mean if no-"

"I meant about what you said, about Steff, don't act childish about this."

"Oh please, she didn't have a chance with Alex."

Alex snapped out of his daze and looked at her, still seeing what he loved underneath her pissy mood, "We were together for a half of a year."

"Boo who," she said slipping off the table and patting Vinny's chest, "I'm sure you can get everything to the bus okay by yourself, I'm going to go get the supplies for tonight." She turned and looked over her shoulder, her blonde hair falling over her face, "Coming Jackers?"

Kara put a hand on Rian's shoulder, turning to look at him, "Did I just imagine all that?"

"No babe," he said blinking before kissing her cheek, "I'm going to help Vinny with all these bins."

She smiled softly at him before walking off in the general direction that Steff had went, worried about how she took the whole Kyra rejecting Alex's offer at marriage - worse yet, the fact that Alex left that part out of the whole story to begin with.

Having no luck, after pushing aside the dying remains of venue workers for a half hour, Kara decided to go back to the bus. She pulled back the door and froze when she saw her friend holding all her luggage tightly between her fingers.

"Steff, where are you going?"

She looked down at her bags as if it wasn't obvious enough, "I have no reason to be here, now that Alex has decided he wants Kyra."

"He never said that-"

She cut her off with a snap of her infamous peppermint gum, "But he didn't not say it. Look, I heard him telling me that story back in the coffee shop several months ago, he was deeply in love with her - and nothing has changed. I was just some sideline chick, that's it."

"No you weren't Alex isn't like that."

She arched her brows, "From the fan side of it, we hear other stories. I get it, you've known these boys most of your life and you think you get them - but they didn't do this," she waved her bags, "make you want to run to another country so you don't have to hear them on the radio anymore."

"Calm down, put your stuff away an think about what your saying... you're just over reacting. Vinny needs your help, we all know Kyra does nothing but manipulate him out of working to see her Jackers," Kara sighed, "whatever happened to Jack-Attack?"

"Excuse me," came a high strung voice.

Kara turned, "Speaking of the devil, I thought you went to the store."

"We need money," the shorter blonde girl replied in a 'duh' tone.

Steff leaned against the wall of the stairwell, still not leaving enough room for the other girl to pass. She had already tossed her bags back into the main area of the bus, she arched her brows and put on a coy smile as Kara snickered.

"Are you deaf, I said I needed to get into the bus," Kyra said running a hand over her hair, "so move it cheap-shot."

She moved out of the way, making sure to shoulder the shorter girl before standing next to her friend, "So Kar, where we heading to?"

She shrugged, "What changed your mind?"

"Vinny does need the help, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to make Kyra's life a living, breathing, fiery hell."

Kara smiled, "Welcome to the dark side."

"Where's those cookies?" Steff asked before laughing.