Nancy Boy

Spite And Malice

"Wow," he said with a sickening smile, "it's been years... Ya look good, Ash..."

"Get the fuck away from me, from this venue in general, Bert," I said in a low growl, impressed with how brave I sounded, despite being scared shitless.

He smirked, stepping closer to me. I held back a yelp as my back pressed against the door of the bus. He leaned over me, one hand resting on the side of the bus, next to my cheek. He wasn't touching me, but he was definitely trying to show me that he easilly could at any moment.

"It's a free country, Ashleigh," he sneered, "besides, we were just invited to the tour... So you and I will be seeing a lot of each other this summer..."

I suddenly felt sick to my stomach and felt like I couldn't breathe as he threatened, no... promised this.

But then I found my air, and that bit of my brother in me...

"I'm not 14 anymore," I growled before giving him the hardest kick to the balls that I could... and after all that he's done to me, trust me, you didn't want to be him at that moment as he fell to the ground instantly. I then ripped the bus door open and ran inside yelling for Adam. I can keep a brave facade, but lets face it, I was shaking on the inside.

He nearly fell out of his bunk, running towards me. "Ash, whats wrong?!" he asked, clearly shaken by my own panic. He wrapped his arms around me as I started to shake slightly.

The door crashed open and I jumped. "Ash!" someone yelled, also scared. I looked up to see Mikey, "Thank god," he sighed, spotting me. "Are you okay?"

"What's going on?" Adam asked, clearly confused. "Is there a fucking fire or something?"

"No," Mikey explained, "The Used just got added to the tour... Bert's hear..."

Adam looked ready to kill someone as he looked down at me, "Did he come after you?"

"Yeah," I admitted. "Guys, he threatened me..."

"I'll fucking kill him," Mikey growled, "I swear to god!"

"Did he hurt you, grab you? I'll kill him myself if he touched a hair on your head..." Adam said.

"No..." I answered to his first two questions.

"We can't get him kicked off or even watched unless he hurts you," Adam sighed.

"Oh, so what... I just fucking wait until he does?" I asked harshly.

Adam hugged me, "We won't let that happen, babe... But because you're not in a band or an official tour staff member, they'd simply suggest that you leave the tour if you're concerned, if we brough it up..." he said sympathetically.

"This summer just keeps getting better and better," I said sarcastically before slapping my forehead. "Gerard's going to continue to be up my ass, huh?" I joked, though right now, I was kind of happy that he'd be looking out for me. Mikey sort of looked away, "What's that about?" I asked.

He took a deep breath, "Um, I told Gerard about Bert being here... He sort of shrugged it off and continued on his way to hang with Lyn-Z..."

"So basically he didn't give a fuck?" I asked in a tone that pretty much meant 'don't fucking sugar coat it'.

Mikey shrugged, "Yeah... basically..."