My Tears Rain Down Like Knives

Sharpie girl comes to stalk...

[[Note to you and the shit you do::Every chapter the view point changes; this chapter you see from Xenors' view]]

Rayn slowly stepped up to the podium and cleared her throat.

"My family is dead,and i live with Mrs.Daevers."

I laughed weakly,knowing ,as everyone knew,this was a lie.I stood up For my 'Family Exclaim!' Speech,my purple skirt snagging the podiums' splinters.someone in the crowd laughed as Rayn stumbled down the steps.

"my family was slaughtered-i tried not to think 'by me'-and i live by myself."

and then i ran,far away,before the police could catch me or my last name.

yes,i killed my father,mother,brothers-3 of them-and my twin sister.

this is what the world has led me to believe,and so,i believe this.

but i hate all these little stupid people,who chase after me always.I missed Xarciss,[ZAR-Kiss]and all the other people like me.Rayn was the only other one in this town, so i constantly relied on her,when she couldn't even pronounce the name of the woman she was supposedly living with.This town,Berzenthan,was full of the Norms.I haven't seen a Neko since I was in La Paradissa,a Fucktarded stripper only earnings-from when i pleased men for money-were thinning,and so i set away from Berzenthan,along with my ever-dull Rayn,Following Sharpie.

Sharpie was a girl who wore only one thing.a highlighter yellow skirt and a black top,along with mesh stockings and mesh sleeves that were purple.she always kept knives and other sharp things in highlighter yellow pouches that were tied to her waist.

from the highlighter yellow,I called her Sharpie,and soon everyone had forgotten her real name.

She was stalking Rouzenxa,a rich assassin who had tried to assassinate Ville Valo,[[I shot Rouzenxa for even trying]]and Rouzenxa was very idiotic.Sharpie and I stole ¥5,999 from her in a single day.

and now we reached Agorast.

[[Note to you and the shit you do::fast stop,and this has lots of mixes in it,like fan fic and anime.Don't like it? Try another one of my stories.this one has alot of graphic violence and some rape.]]