My Tears Rain Down Like Knives


as soon as Skillet had walked out his apartment with his newly dyed hair, he was greeted by the scarred-for-life Xenor.
"why?.....well she's gone Skillet. that's what is clear to us."
"Why did she do this? Where could she have gone?Why are you telling me this?"
"We are in Christmas City, far from boredom central.Who else can we tell, Skillet?"
Skillet turned away. he had loved Sharpie, but when he saw her alive, and well after 7 years, he had thought she would've disappeared before he could tell her how he felt.
and she did.
But his stay in Christmas City had only been-well, terror.his nemeses carrying Sharpie had turned up, ruining his stay.
then he had raped Sharpie.
then horrid luck had followed him in his wake, as he pondered the fact that Sharpie hadn't recognized him when they had bumped into each other.
he couldn't help but wonder what her name was, and why he hadn't been able to recall it.
7 years had passed before he was even in touch with her, and for only 4 hours.
he had cut up her insides and he knew it, her Neko blood spilling over him like a curse.
Scottie had left him the next morning, leaving with Morbid and Ville.
Morbid touched him when he had begged her to.
Ville had touched her in front of him when he had begged.
but they would not look at him with any sorts of acceptance.
even when he had forced Morbid to kiss him in a trick, she had immediately tried to pull away from him.
He knewthey all disliked him;he just didn't know what to do about it.
Veracruse was sitting in the snow, crying silently into the white puff, feeling betrayed and dead.she had also crossed the bridge, but had accidentally tumbled into the waters of Hell.
Vampires had bathed in those waters for an eternity this November, but because of her sploshy mortal existence tainting their river, they could no longer bathe unless they wanted to smell of Human they had punished Varacruse by blooding her until she was beyond Vampire;she was just a black-blooded lookalike to Sharpie, minus Neko.