Status: active but, coming along slowly :]

Better Off Dead Than Alive In Here

Chapter 11


The loud scream made me jump in my bed. I looked around disoriented. Where was I? Why was I in a bunk bed? The events of the last day came suddenly flooding back to me. I smiled and looked around at the other bunks.

The Cobra crew were all mumbling profanities and trying to stay asleep. Andrew walked over to them and made them all sit up and wake up.

We The Kings were all silently sitting up, obviously knowing what happens if they don't.

Pete walked over to the All Time Low wall and found they were all sleeping except for Zack. He was up and about getting out of his pajamas and getting into shorts and a t-shirt.

"Yo, Alex, Jack, and Rian. Wake up or I will use the water gun," Pete said.

After hearing Jack and Alex call him a few CHOICE words he had to use a water gun to wake them all up.

I grabbed my cell phone and looked at the time 6:00 AM.

"Alright," Andrew said, "now that everyone is up and about listen up for the schedule. You guys have an hour to get ready and get down to the dining hall. At 7:00 we're gonna start setting up for sign in. Sign in starts at 7:30 so if you finish before then you can sneak some coffee and donuts, on behalf of Dunkin Donuts because it is way to early to cook! During setup you are going to sing in the kid. You need to get his or her name, payment if needed, medication, give them their group ID, and the dorm he or she is in! If they have any questions I am sure you or your sign in partner will know whats up."

I finally started to get out of bed and start to get ready. My hair wasn't that bad. Vicky told me a lot of people just went without a shower for a few days at a time. Disgusting, I know, but we only got so much water for a shower a day. I just brushed through it.

Andrew kept talking, "The group leaders for this week are Gabe, Alex G., Travis, and Lily on Gold. Alex L., Mike, Zack, and Drew are on Silver. Bronze will have Jack, Hunter, Victoria, and Jersey. Platinums will be Suarez, Danny, Rian, and Elliot. Ryland and Nate can go with either the Golds or Platinums. Whichever one you guys want is cool, but you both have to do one. At 8:30 we'll have all the groups meet and introduce your kids to each other. At nine they'll go to their first class, then at ten to their second. Lunch is at 11:30."

I threw on an outfitquickly.

"Today the Golds and Platinums are going to have the volleyball courts and the pool. Silvers and Bronzes will be on the baseball field. This will be up until 2:30. Next, Gold and Silvers are going to have the the game room for chill time. Bronze and Platinum have the auditorium for whatever you guys wanna do up til 5. At 5:30 dinner then after we're having camp wide bondfire," Andrew was STILL talking

Everyone was sitting up in their beds and listening now. Zack, Drew, Vicky, and I were the only people getting ready yet. I was all done getting changed so I made my bed.

"Ya'll need a med pack at all times! Keep track of all your kids, and make sure you have fun with them," Andrew finally finished talking.

"Meet us down in the dining hall when you're all ready,' Pete shouted. He and Andrew left the room and went down the stairs.

I looked around at everyone, there were some MAJOR hangovers going on... everyone looked like shit. I walked over to the bathroom and looked in the medical cabinet. A few bottles of Aspirin were sitting out, so I pulled one out. There were a few cups in the corner, so I filled them up with water and headed out to the bunks again.

The Cobra crew looked the worst, so I headed over there first.

"Lord love you senorita," said Gabe. He swallowed the pills and started to get up and ready. I went around to the rest of the people who needed it. I gave them the Aspirin and they all thanked me in someway.

Once everyone was "medicated" people started to move about. It was 6:30 and we needed to be down there at 7. Zack and Drew were both sitting down in the middle of the room and talking, so I went over to join them. They were talking about the show last night. Apparently Jack tried to stage dive, but it ended up with him on the bar floor. Gabe sang Guilty Pleasure in Spanish, so John had to come out and sing in English. Alex and Jack tried to pull Georgia and Kara up to sing Jasey with them, but Kara gave Jack a swift kick, right near a place... needless to say the girls didn't sing anything.

People started to sit down and join our conversation until everyone was sitting down talking about the gig. I looked at my phone and it was 6:50.

"Hey everybody, time to go," I said.

Everyone started to make their way out of the bunks and downstairs to the exit. We started to walk to the dining hall. I started to talk to Alex and Gabe. Alex started to tell me how his girlfriend was obsessed with hobos. Gabe and I were cracking up while he told us about how she loved to talk about them and threatened him with them.

We got to the building and walked into the air conditioned hallway. The ballroom and auditorium doors were open, but we walked into the large room. Zack grabbed me and claimed me as his sign in buddy.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

I smiled, "I feel great. Best mood I've been in since... forever."

"Awesome, I'm glad I make your day," he said.

I laughed and gave him a friendly hug. He grabbed my hand. I looked up at him. He gave me a wink and started to pull me along to the sign in tables.
♠ ♠ ♠
so I won my science fair today, first place!... hahah im a loser, blah.
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