Status: Finished! I'm now working on Last Little Spark. You guys have been great! Much love, WonderfullyWicked.

If You Took Another Look, You'd Be Back So Soon

One Hundred & Five


I kept my promise to Miranda: I stopped standing up for her. I never found out what happened at the party she went to on New Years, but apparently it was bad enough that she begged my mom to go to a nearby private school. I don't know what posessed my mom to let her go, but at least I didn't have to see her around school anymore.

I was still the 'black sheep' in my family, but it didn't bother me anymore. My friends were my family. Including my friends just one state above us. Already, we were making plans to see each other again.

And I think the thing I'm most proud of is that we helped Skye go back to the person she used to be.


My mom and I are on loose speaking terms when it comes to Skye. She still believes the rumors that she came up with herself. But nothing she says can make me see our vibrant friend any different.

I quit my job at Starbucks to work at a music store in town, because if I heard the word frappucino one more time, I was going to lose my mind. Plus the music store paid better, and I was halfway to buying a car.

To this day, I don't regret literally running into Skye the day she moved in. I had no idea how much she would change our lives in such a short time, but I can't wait to see how much she changes in the future.


Day by day, I'm finding it easier to say goodbye to Daisy, to stop blaming myself for her death. Somehow, I know she's happier wherever she may be.

And now that it's spring, and the daisies and lillies are springing up, I feel like she's here, with Lily, letting us know on occasion that she's still with us.

I guess I have Skye to thank, because without her, I never would've been able to forgive myself, even after all these years.


I was glad to see Trevor go back to college and stop plaguing my life. But it didn't stop him from harassing me about Caitlyn.

Speaking of Caitlyn, my parents love her, even though they've only met her once, if that. Actually, I don't think they ever met her when she was here. Someday soon, I'll change that. We talk a lot, almost every night. I really, really like her. I don't know about love yet, but for now, we like each other, and that's good enough.

And I'll always owe it to Skye for introducing me to her.


Sometimes I regret what I did to Skye back in the winter, for not telling her right out what was going on. Sometimes I think it's my fault that she fell into that silencing depression.

I try not to think about it, but sometimes I can't help but wonder if things would've been different if we'd told Skye that she was going to be moving.

I guess I can't worry about that anymore, because Skye's back to where she used to be. I can thank the guys for doing that. I can't believe I didn't trust them.

Man, I should stop beating myself up about this. Especially with Caitlyn and Olivia around. They make enough noise between the two of them to substitute for Skye. But they're my best friends, and I wouldn't change that in either of them, not to sound horribly cliche.

Only a month until Skye comes home.
♠ ♠ ♠
One more! I want to thank everyone who read, commented, and subscribed to this story! Lots of cookies and streamers for you! Especially to everyone who hung on when I said I would update a chapter the next day and then updated a week later. This is definitely my longest running story here on Mibba, and one I wrote completely from my ideas.

But I guess I owe it all to The Friday Night Boys for 'You Do You Don't', because without the line that became this story's title, I never would've gotten this many chapters out of it.