Status: Finished! I'm now working on Last Little Spark. You guys have been great! Much love, WonderfullyWicked.

If You Took Another Look, You'd Be Back So Soon

One Hundred & Six

I was going stir crazy in the back of the van, watching the sights pass by as my excitement continued to build.

We passed through a small down, the buildings close together and people walking from store to store, bags in hand or walking with children. There were bikers and dog walkers, radios blasting from windows and all the other sights and smells and sounds that went along with a close-knit community.

It almost reminded me of West Chester: a small town with neighborhoods spanning out in every direction.

Speaking of West Chester, the town had grown on me over the last few months. There was always something to do, it seemed. Whether it was a new band playing at the local coffee shop or a street festival, something was always happening.

I even had a few more run-ins with the Viva La Bam crew. I was pretty good at dodging them when they came careening down the sidewalks, but aside from saying hi, I didn't talk to them.

Soon we were through the town and into a neighborhood. We drove under the leafy green branches of the trees that lined the street. Little kids were playing in the yards, running through sprinklers or riding bikes in their driveways.

While we drove, I thought about the last few months. So much had changed for me. I had gained some parts of a new family, which seemed so long ago that it was almost too miniscule to remember, thought I lost everything, gained four best friends, got my old friends back, went from rock bottom to sky rocketing to the top, and now I was like my old self again.

I smiled to myself as my iPod began playing a familiar sound, one that had struck me as numbingly depressing before.

"I'm letting you down. You were just hiding it so well..."

Not that the song wasn't depressing. I guess it's supposed to be sad, but I was waiting for my favorite line.

Finally, after I thought I was going to go crazy with excitement, we pulled into a driveway.

I couldn't get the seatbelt off fast enough. And I couldn't wait for my favorite line to play. I shut off my iPod and threw it down on the seat before I almost launched myself out of the van.

Where was I?

Well, I was standing in the driveway of a very familiar house, letting myself be mobbed by Olivia, Caitlyn, Oliver, and the rest of my old friends, and my mom was eagerly waiting behind them to do the same.

I even spotted an addition: Tyler. But Steven and Chelsea were nowhere to be found, thank God.

Yeah, I was back home, for what I knew would be an amazing two weeks. And while I was just a little sad about leaving my guys behind in West Chester, I would see them again soon.

I realized right then that I didn't need to hear my favorite line of You Do, You Don't. Because I knew it was true...

If you took another look, you'd be back so soon...
♠ ♠ ♠
And viola!

It's done. No sequel, sorry. I feel as though an angry mob will form if I start a new story!

And sorry if the last few chapters, including this one, feel rushed. I just wanted to get this done tonight. Maybe someday I'll come back and edit them, and some of the other chapters in the beginning.

And I've decided to continue 'Last Little Spark' before heading on to 'Mindfreaked', because LLS is the sequel to my first successful story on here, so I think it's more important.

So if you're one of my LLS readers, get ready!
And if you're not, check it out! I'm going to edit it a little though, because everytime I see a word that should have an apostrophe [sp?] but doesn't, I die a little inside.

I know I barely used any in 'One of the Boys...Right?'...and I should probably go fix that...

Anyway, thanks for coming along on the roller coaster, but it's time to exit the ride.

Much love,

EDIT: The Friday Night Boys have split up, according to Fueled By Ramen. It honestly feels like I've been told that one of my friends or family members is dead. It was because of them that I got the inspiration to write this story, the longest story I've ever posted on here. If I had never discovered them and listened to You Do, You Don't, this story wouldn't be here right now. I listened to it when I needed ideas, and when I needed to be reminded what the purpose of this story was.

So here's to you, Friday Night Boys.
For giving us You Do, You Don't. For giving me a story idea. For giving me something to jump around to and sing at the top of my lungs to when nobody was home.

And even if it never's to hoping that...just maybe...if you took another look, you'd be back so soon, too.