Status: Oneshot.

Bathroom Engagment

I love you babe

Sitting in silence. Waiting for anybody to come home. Her children were at school. Their father had left a year after they were born. She had twins. Both of them were fifteen. Her pervious boyfriend were all jerks but she had found one who she loved and he loved her back. They've been together for three years now. He moved in with her about a year and a half ago. He loved her kids like they were his own. Her thought were interrupted by the sound of the door slamming. She soon saw her kids and Jonathan walk through the door. Jonathan leant down and kissed her lips softly. Her kids had said hi and went to their rooms. Jonathan sat down beside her and grabbed her hand. He smiled at her and brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it. She smiled back.

"What is it?" She asked as she looked at the twenty-five year old man sitting before her.

"Let's go out?" He said. She gave him a weird look. Why all the sudden eager to go out.

"Where too?" She asked.

"A fancy resturant. A walk in the park and then back home. Sounds fun?" He asked.

"Anything with you is fun." She said. He smiled and kissed her lips. It was a friday so they had the whole weekend for fun but tonight was going to be special.

"Go get ready, sweetie. We'll leave in a hour." He said standing up helping his girlfriend of the chair. She kissed him softly and headed for their room. She went over to her closet and pulled a long black dress that sparkled. She pulled out the diamond necklaces her mother gave to her before she had passed away. Laying everything out on the bed she then went and took a shower. Letting the hot water run down her body she smiled to herself thinking she has the most amazing family ever. Until she really thought that it wasn't family. Jonathan has yet to propose to her. She frowned as she thought about this. Then she thought that maybe tonight was the night he was going to propose to her. At dinner or maybe at the park. She was soon excited to get on with this evening. After she turned off the water, she dried off and wrapped the towel around her body as she walked into her bedroom were she saw and black velvet box. She picked it up and smiled. She opened it and found a beautiful diamond bracalet. She put it on then she got dressed. There was a knock on the door and it opens and she saw her daughter, Riley standing there.

"You look beautiful, mother." Riley said.

"Thank you, sweetheart. Jonathan and I are going out for some dinner. I think your grandfather is coming over to keep you guys company." She said. Riley smiled. She always loved when her grandpa comes over. He makes the day fun. He's a kid at heart.

"Nicole, honey. Are you ready?" Jonathan asked knocking on the door softly.

"Yes, Jonathan." She said. He opened the door and gasped at how beautiful she looked.

"Wow, Nicole. You look amazingly beautiful tonight." He said.

"What? I don't look like this everyday?" She asked spinning around. Riley giggled.

"No no. I mean, yes. You do..just you look even better." Jonathan said walking into the room and kissing her lips softly. Once they said good-bye to everybody else as they got into the cab and drove off to the resturant. After they had ate, they went for a walk in the park. Nicole surely thought he would propose her but nothing came of it. They sat on the bench, her head resting on his shoulder as they both looked up at the stars. Nicole was happy but it would really make her happy if he would ask her to marry her tonight.

"Nicole." Jonathan said bringing her out of her thoughts.

"Yes." She said happily.

"You ready to go home?" He asked. She forced a smile, but only nodded. The cab ride home was silent. Nicole wasn't sure if he was upset or what. She didn't want to bother him any if he was upset. Once they got home, they sent her father home and they went to their room. Nicole was going to relax in the bath while Jonathan sat on the edge and they talked about the littlest things. Nicole closed her eyes and let a soft sigh out sinking down more into the water. Jonathan stripped of his clothes and got in the bathtub with her. She snapped her eyes opened and he only smiled. She sat up a bit and their faces not far from each other.

"Closes your eyes." Jonathan said. Nicole did as she was told. Jonathan grabbed the box from his pants pocket and slowly opened it. He leaned in and kissed her lips.

"Open your eyes, Nicole." He said. She slowly opened her eyes and opened at the ring inside the box. She little a gasp out.

"Nicole Sanders, will you marry me?" Jonathan asked.

"Of course, Jonathan Cook." She said as she pulled him into a kiss. He took the ring out and slip it on her finger.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too, babe." He said as they got out of the bathtub, dried off and made love for most of the night.
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It's not the best but it's really simular to how my parents got engage. Sorta. :D

Perfect Proposal by photograph