Postcards From The Underbelly

Alcohol And Parties

“Fuck you!”


Covering my ears and letting out a frustrated groan, I rolled over on my bed to look at the alarm clock. It wasn’t one of those fancy digital ones, it was one of those old school antique ones that turned the little blocks for the time.

Hey, at least it was an alarm clock.

It read 3:30 AM, and my body was starting to ache from the position I was laying in. I spent too many nights up listening to Brad and mom yell at each other. More than likely they were sitting there, high out of their minds on cocaine and alcohol. They never really had an entire reason to yell at each other, they just found it soothing when they were out of their minds. I guess it was like their therapy session, even though everything was perfectly in order.

Shrugging my shoulders more to myself than anyone else, I boosted myself up in my bed and listened to the screaming downstairs grow louder. Something broke against the wall, followed by my mom screaming about her priceless china. Sighing and getting up, I grabbed my Converse from underneath my bed. Slipping them on and pocketing my cell phone, I walked over to the window. Unlocking it with precise precision, I placed my hands firmly on the sill. Lowering myself down and onto the brick that was like a jagged out path, I quickly but carefully climbed down until my feet his the ground. Turning and pulling my hoodie closer, I couched down under the windows and headed out through the backyard. Rounding about the neighbors yard and nearly escaping their German Sheppard, I headed onto the sidewalk.

Jingletown was abnormally chilly, but it didn’t damper my mood. When Brad and mom fought, I knew the only person I could turn to when I couldn’t sleep. Tunny’s place was just up the road, and it was always the local rave spot. 711 was the fighting spot, and the recycling plant was the local hideout. Drug Alley was up the road a bit near the Ravine. The best part about Tunny’s however, was the fact that even if I got drunk and high out of my mind, I was only a short walk and climb away from my bedroom.

Though by the time I got out of Tunny’s parties, mom and Brad were away and I was free to slip into the house unnoticed. After all, they both worked during the day and partied at night. Me? I was a roamer and partier. I was head of the Underbelly, but I barley ever showed it. I didn’t like the fact that I could be a leader. Being a leader sucked, and it meant that you had to make sure your little group didn’t fuck up in any way possible.

If that happened, you were responsible for bailing them out. Yeah, for me not having much money that wasn’t much fun.

Turning into the house that had music blaring from the second floor down, a smile formed on my face. Grabbing a bottle of Molson Canadian from the cooler near the door, I twisted off the cap and eagerly lifted it to my lips. The sweet alcohol instantly warmed me up, and I made my way around the house dancing to the beat slightly. Finding Tunny easily, we went into one of those guy handshakes before going into a somewhat deep conversation.

I really didn’t pay attention to any of it. All I cared about was how sweet the alcohol was flowing through my senses.