Postcards From The Underbelly

Sid And Nancy

Snapping around to look at Whatsername's smirking gaze, I felt my stomach give an uneasy lurch. We stared each other down for a good five minutes before my brain came up with anything quirky to say back. "Me? Like YOU? Bitch, you're nothing but a pair of legs."

"Excuse me?" she looked royally pissed off once again, but I just smirked and spun on my heel, heading in the direction of a hotel. Whatsername's heels clacked behind me, but I tried not to pay too much attention as I lengthened my strides. I wanted to get rid of her as fast as possible.

For a moment, her heels disappeared and I let out the breath that I wasn't aware that I had been holding in. A content smirk fell over my face, and I continued the fast pace to the hotel. Once the shining light was streaming in my eyes, I headed through the double doors and waltzed up to the counter. Just as I was about to open my mouth to speak, Whatsername bounded through the double doors and skid to a halt next to me. She gave me this fucking taunting grin, and before I knew it something was snapped hard onto my wrist, nearly making me yelp. "We'll have a room for two please. Put it underneath Sid and Nancy."

The hotel clerk looked up at us through her thick rimmed glasses, but typed in the information regardless. Five minutes later we were handed two card keys and our room number. Whatsername dashed up the stairs with the widest grin I had even seen pressed onto her face, while as I opted to leg behind just to piss her the fuck off.

Once our keys were swiped and we were safely inside the room, I gave a nasty look to Whatsername. "Look, I don't give a FUCK about who you think you--" she pressed something that was in her hand, and my eyes went wide as it felt like a thousand electrical currents went through my wrist. I screamed, landing hard on the floor and twitching.

"Maybe now you'll play the roll of a good dog. You can start by making your bed down there."