Postcards From The Underbelly

Tangled Together

I woke up rubbing my head. Looking down at Jimmy I smiled. His spikey head snuggled underneath the blanket on the floor. I sat up and layed down on the bed.

I sighed in content. The feeling of butterflys zooming around my stomach wouldn't leave. I felt giddy. I hope this feeling never leaves. It was better than getting drunk or high. I didn't want to be mean to Jimmy anymore. I shouldn't have. If I was starting fresh, shouldn't I start the right way? I walked over taking the collar off his wrist and walking over to the window. I pried it open with much difficulty and tossed it out with the buzzer. I heard shuffling and I turned around seeing Jimmy. He was smiling from ear to ear. I couldn't help but find myself smiling back. He approached me and blocked me in. Putting a hand on each side of the wall. Leaning into me Jimmy kissed me softly. It was indiscribable. I couldn't tell you how good if felt. He pulled away picking me up. I giggled and held onto him.

"Where we going?"

"Getting the fuck out of here, I'm starving."
He grinned, kicking the door open. Reminding me of the first time our wild escipades took place.

He carried out me to the front door of the hotel, letting me down. I grinned looking up at him as we clasped hands. Walking down a few blocks, we came upon of a small diner. Opening the jingling door we were seated against the window in a booth. Placing our orders, the waitress walked away taking our menus. I put my hands in my pockets and my hand caught onto something cold and metal. I bit my lip pulling it out. Apparently the previous owner of this didn't realize that they left it in here. I pulled out a lock and chain necklace. In the other pocket was a key. I grinned to myself, getting up on my knees facing Jimmy who was busy wolfing down his food.

"What are you doing?"
His words came out all muffled from the food in his mouth. I wrapped the lock and chain around his neck. and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He gripped the lock between his fingers and looked up at me smiling. I gave him a hug, not letting go for a long time.

"Wanna go out with me Nancy?"
Jimmy whispered in my ear. My heart leaped up into my throat and I couldn't have told you how happy I was to hear my name come out of his mouth.

"I'd love to Sid."