Postcards From The Underbelly

Drug Bucket

"Get the fuck off me!"
I growled pushing him out of my way. He smirked as his limp wrists motioned to shoo. He always had to rag doll movements to him. Glaring, I walked to the door slaming it shut. Pounding my feet down the hallway of the hotel I exited out the back door. I leaned against the wall pounding my fists into them repeatedly. Groaning, resting my head on the bricks, I looked over through my runny mascara.

"What the?"

I squinted my eyes looking to see a crowd of people on the side walk, surrounding a bucket being lowered to them. Walking over to them, I tapped a man on his sholder.

"Hey, what's goin' on?"

"You wanna pitch in? Then place 10 buck in the pot."
He spoke quickly placing in money. Shrugging I reached into my pocket in the leather jacket. I found a crumpled up ten. Placing it in the bucket, someone pulled the string, tugging on it. The bucket began to be pulled skyward. Sighing, I leaned against the wall, scuffing my boots on the concrete sidewalk. About 10 minutes later the bucket came back down with a bit of speed. Everyone perked up and ran twords the bucket. I walked over seeing what all the fuss was about. As the last man that I spoke with approached me with a little baggy, he held a grin on his face. I took it from his hands.

"What's this?"

"This darling is smack."
As he smirked walking away, stuffing his baggy in his coat pocket. I licked my lips, unzipping the bag. I smelled the pungent white substance. It's odor was odd and unfamilar. Looking around I zipped it up, quickly placing it in my pocket, shoving my fists inside.

Walking at a brisk pace, I began heading back twords the hotel. Once entering the warm building, I entered the key card to the room. Seeing Sid...I mean Jimmy, still sitting on the couch. Like he fucking owned everything. I was gonna be fucking nice but what the hell I'm not even gonna fucking tell him what I most recently discovered. This, this little treasure bag was all mine for the fucking taking. I sat indian style on the floor, scooting up to the entable. Doing my thing, which I already knew how to prepare such drug watching Tunny countless times, I just didn't know what it was at first. The the cogs started turning in my head. And I knew as I walked back here. It was heroin. Fucking smack. It's street name. What the hell ever, heroin is heroin. An idea sparked in my brain and I quickly got off the ground dashing twords the nightstand. The one damn thing I kept, I was glad. Jimmy looked back at me with curiousity as I sat back down. Grasping the needle in one hand and wrapping the rubberband around my upper arm. I tapped my inner arm to find a vein. Jimmy moved his head around, trying to get a better view. I injected the smack into my arm. Feeling the prick. Lazily dropping the needle I thumped to the floor. In sweet ecstacy.

Now I can't even remember why the hell I would fight with Tunny about not trying this drug. It was sweet and my life was just filled with sex before. Now I was contimplating changing things around. I was no junkie, but this smack, was the calling card to my curent problems. As I rolled my head over glancing at Jimmy, he stared at me incredibly.

"You fucking have smack? Where the hell did you get that?"
He crossed his arms with a stoney look on his face.

"Does it fucking matter?"
I laughed, closing my eyes. I didn't give a shit that Jimmy didn't want me anymore, cause truthfully, I didn't quite remember what the hell happened with us anyway.