Postcards From The Underbelly

Hangovers Suck

Rolling over onto my stomach, a loud groan escaped my lips. The cars going by made my windows tremble, but it was the odd scent that filled my bed that completely woke me up. Glancing at the alarm clock that read 3:30 PM, I inhaled the pillow next to me. It smelled freshly of whore, and I winced as I pushed myself up.

Allowing the thin black sheet to stay around my waist, I glanced over at the used up cocaine and wrappers on the dresser. Shrugging my shoulders a bit and standing up, I headed into the bathroom. A quick hot shower brought all of my senses to alert, and as I wrapped a towel around my waist I brushed at my teeth. Once that was done, I popped a few Tylenol and headed back into my room.

The silence that was in the house was amazing, and I let out a content sigh escape my lips. I couldn’t remember anything from the night before, but that was fine. As I headed into my room, a message on the mirror grabbed my eye.

I had so much fun last night. We need to do that more often baby, and next time maybe I’ll stick around.

The message was kissed with dark red lip stick, and I chuckled a bit as I rolled my eyes. Pulling on a fresh set of clothes and then fixing up my hair/make up, I headed downstairs. I grabbed a few things to eat before heading back out of the house, not wanting to even be in the house when it was silent. All I wanted to do at that moment was go and get shitfaced once more.

Tunny’s was just down the street, but FUCK that walk felt like forever when every footstep was echoing inside your head. He was sitting outside with a girl, and I stopped in my track when our eyes connected.

Damn, hey-LO cutie.